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Salt + Light Media has a brand new look

Alexander Du

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Today, Salt + Light Media unveiled a new logo and a new brand promise: “Your Hope. Our Mission.”
This new logo reflects our dedication to be – and to help others become – the salt of the earth and the light of the world (Mt 5:13-14). The cross remains at the centre of our new logo, joining the “salt” and the “light” closer together, and the new colour is bold, reflecting the boldness with which we are called to proclaim Jesus Christ and the joy of the Gospel to the world.

What other changes will you see?

Starting today, Salt + Light Media will have a new look and feel on the home page of our website, which has been designed for optimization on both desktop and mobile devices.  The improved layout will offer you an easier navigation experience.  We will also be updating and improving other areas of the website in the coming months.

How will this impact programming?

We are committed to building on our current success and bringing you more and better Catholic content in the future. We will continue to bring you stories of hope and the joy of the Gospel from across Canada and throughout the world, and we will continue to offer daily Mass in French and English, as well as other devotions and prayers.

Why a new look now?

Since its foundation in 2003, Salt + Light Media has been dedicated to the mission of evangelization through the new types of media at our disposal in this modern age. This has meant, among other things, keeping up with a rapidly changing media environment, which is becoming increasingly digital, more accessible, and faster paced.
Just as our content is constantly growing and becoming fresher and more modern, we felt it was time for a fresher, more modern look.
As a final note, I would just like to offer a word of thanks to everyone at Salt + Light Media for their hard work, patience, and dedication on this project, and also to you, our audience, for your continued interest and support. It is because of you that we are still here 17 years later, creating fresh, new programming and a fresh, new look.

Alexander Du is the Interim CEO of Salt + Light Media.

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