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S+L AT THE PAPAL VISIT: Live from Yankee Stadium

David Naglieri

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Pope Benedict has just emerged from the Yankees dugout and proceeded to the altar consructed at second base. This is the third time a Pope has stepped onto the field at Yankee stadium. Pope Paul VI celebrated mass here in 1965 and John Paul II in 1979.
I am sitting in the press box with Kris Dmytrenko and our cameraman Wally Tello. It's an awesome atmosphere with waving yellow flags, beautiful music, and a spirit of reverence and faith in the home of the Bronx Bombers.
The stadium is filled to capacity with more than 56,000 of the faithful (and fans) gathered for this remarkable occasion. Just a few minutes ago they chanted "We want Papa! We want Papa!" as Pope Benedict made his way around the stadium in the Popemobile. The crowds are just as loud as any Yankee game!!!! Keep checking our blog for updates from Yankee Stadium.

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