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The happiest job in the world?

Andrew Santos

Friday, September 16, 2011

Many people aspire to be doctors, lawyers and astronauts at a very young age. In today’s tough economic times, you may surprised to learn who has the best job.
Look no further.
Forbes Magazine released an article on Monday entitled The Ten Happiest Jobs, which ranks clergy at the top of their list for happiest job.
In the description, listed alongside the occupation, the least 'worldly' -- being clergy -- are reported to be the happiest of all. Following behind in the top five were firefighters, physical therapists, authors and special education teachers.
Fr. Joseph Singh had the chance to analyze the article by Forbes. He certainly agrees, based on his 17 years of service to the Archdiocese of Toronto as a clergyman and pastor.
“In meeting with people, especially whether it is in their homes or offices, you get to walk in their shoes,” he said.
“You get to see life from their eyes. It’s helping convert people over to Christ. That is what I like. That to me is a fantastic thing.”
All in all, I believe Fr. Singh is right. Having the chance to minister to God’s people day in and day out is a privilege and a blessing. When any man undertakes a time of discernment, God does not call the qualified, he qualifies the called. That is the absolute beauty of being at the service of God.
In today’s age, it's safe to say that being a priest is not an easy thing. With a society that continues to push religion out of the public square and with controversies affecting the Church's reputation, being a Catholic priest out on the front lines takes a lot of courage and boldness. That is why prayer is of the utmost importance. We must continue to pray for our priests and religious leaders, that they may preach the Gospel of Life to everyone and anyone.
Most importantly, we owe our clergy a huge thank you. We thank them for their perseverance, gift of faith and friendship. It certainly is inspirational for us in our everyday lives. May the Lord continue to send worthy labourers into His harvest.
St. John Vianney, pray for us.
Credit: CNS photo/Alessia Giuliani, Catholic Press Photo

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