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Tonight on Perspectives: How would you describe Jesus in one sentence?

Jenna Murphy

Friday, March 11, 2011

Does anyone have time for book clubs anymore?  While the idea is quaint, I can’t tell you how many times a group of friends and I have “committed” to reading numerous must-reads only to have them turn into “should-have” reads.
Throughout the past week, though, a few of my colleagues and I had the privilege of participating in a book study of our own. The tome to be treated, you ask? A pre-release copy of Pope Benedict's Jesus of Nazareth: Holy Week: from the Entrance into Jerusalem until the Resurrection.
I must say, when S+L producer Kris Dmytrenko dropped the massive manuscript on my desk, with the word “embargoed” emblazoned across every page, I was a tad intimidated.
Pope Benedict XVI (or Joseph Ratzinger --  the author is credited using both names), is a man known the world-over for his incisive intellect and his ability to synthesize massive amounts of material with ease and clarity.
This book is no exception.
Jesus of Nazareth is far from “light reading”. Instead, it is a textured and intimate account of a Man, The Man. When one puts the book down, is not a theme or a concept that remains with the reader -- it is a Person; it is Jesus Christ.
We asked you to tell us, in a few words, who Jesus is to you. Here are a few sample answers that came in via Facebook:
Maria Fiore Pilon writes that Jesus is "a most intimate friend, a brother, and a God with infinite mercy and abundant love. He is the door, the way and the light for our eternal peace. Jesus is in our hearts to discover His powerful mystery. "
Mary Angela Nangini writes that Jesus is "the One Who makes me an offer I can't refuse each and every moment of my life."
So, who does the Holy Father say that He is?
In his book, the Pope writes a multi-layered, holistic account of the last weeks of Christ’s life. He writes as a Professor, a Pastor and a Prophet, but more importantly, he writes as one who is well-acquainted with the Man Jesus.
Join us -- S+L producers Kris Dmytrenko, Matthew Harrison and Jenna Murphy, along with Perspectives Weekly host Pedro Guevara Mann -- as we discuss the ins and outs of this new treasure for our Lenten Journeys: Jesus of Nazareth, Volume Two.
In the meantime, you can view the book’s trailer and visit the official website. For a chance at winning a free copy of the book, go to the S+L Facebook page and answer today's question.

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