Take the
Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist, for example, who just welcomed 23 new postulants in their exponentially-expanding community. Or the
Franciscan Friars of the Renewal. Or the
Sisters of Life, for that matter.
It’s enough to make you dizzy! Who does what? Why so many? Are there too many?
As one of our viewers, Sue Neugebauer
, so eloquently put it via our Facebook page:
“It is a bit like saying ‘Is there room for more children in my family?’ Absolutely. Each one is a gift from God with their own calling and destiny in the Kingdom of the Messiah. There are so many people to reach, so many needs to minister to, so many ways to worship and praise God, how can there ever be too many communities and congregations? As long as we are all in "full communion" with God, Rome and each other, unity will be achieved because each one is fulfilling their part in the bigger picture of God's eternal plan for mankind.”
Our question of the week for this Friday’s episode is: Do new communities increase or decrease the Church’s unity?
This week we will discuss this very question with guests Fr. Mark Goring of the
Companions of the Cross and Sister Inmaculada of the
Servants of the Lord and the Virgin of Matará; both new communities in the Catholic Church.
Don’t forget to tune in this week at 7 and 11pm EST (8 pm PT) as we are look to new communities and how we, the Church, have been given life by their birth.