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Tonight on Perspectives: Why is the Holy Father visiting the UK?

Jenna Murphy

Friday, September 17, 2010

By now you’ve probably noticed that Pope Benedict XVI happens to be in UK.
Despite the sometimes threatening media coverage leading up to his visit, the Pope has forged onward; undaunted and perhaps even bolder in his addresses to the people of the UK than we could have imagined.
Some of you are probably wondering: Why all the fuss? Why is this trip any different than other apostolic voyages? The short answer: this is the first time a pope has ever paid a state-visit to England.BRITAIN-POPE
The long answer might need some elaboration. And that’s where this week’s episode of Perspectives Weekly comes in.
And so, in light of the historical significance of this visit, many questions surface:
Why is he there? What message does he hope to communicate to the English people? How will he make his mark on British society?
This week on Perspectives, our host Pedro Guevara Mann and his guests, Joe Sinasac, publishing director of Novalis and former editor of the Catholic Register as well as Fr. Jonathan Robinson, founder of the Toronto Oratory delve into the intricacies surrounding the Holy Father’s first-ever state visit to the UK.
Be sure to tune in tonight at 7pm and 11pm EST, 8 pm PT.

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