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Tweets from the Holy Spirit?

Matthew Harrison

Monday, March 22, 2010

Okay, it's a bit of a stretch -- but as Catholics we believe the Church is guided by the Holy Spirit, correct?  And considering that the Holy Spirit is often personified as a dove and the popular social networking service Twitter uses a bird as part of their branding (the idea of a 'twittering,' or 'tweeting' bird), a Vatican presence on Twitter seems like... well... a match made in heaven!
VaticanTwitterYes... a stretch.  Regardless, it's great to learn that this past weekend the Vatican launched a Twitter feed.
Vatican Radio and other Vatican media resources will use six language accounts to share news and content about the Church.  This move is not only important for sharing information, but it is critical to have a strong presence online as part of the new evangelization.
The Twitter feeds can be accessed here:
You may also wish to check out the Vatican's YouTube channel, which launched over a year ago in four different languages.

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