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WYD announces the location of the main events

Carlos Ferreira

Monday, June 4, 2012

There is exciting news coming from Rio. The venues for the main events were made public today. The opening mass, the Papal welcoming ceremony and the way of the cross will be held at Copacabana beach, one of the most famous sites of that Brazilian city.
The announcement was made public today at a press conference with the president of the organizing committee, Archbishop of Rio João Orani Tempesta. He announced that famous beach which takes its name from Our Lady of Copacabana will host three key events.
The other big events of  World Youth Day (WYD) will happen at Base Aeria de Santa Cruz (Holy Cross Air base), a  military air base with 5.7 square kilometers. This place also has a connection with WYD since the cross is one of the symbols of every World Youth Day.
More news about the biggest Catholic event in the world will come in the following weeks. The announcement of the official prayer and hymn will be made once we are a exact year away from the event. The wonderful city, as the Brazilians call it, will receive the youth of the world from the 23 to 28 of July of next year.

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