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Preparing to live with God: 2nd Sunday of Lent (Year C)

Salt + Light Media

Saturday, March 16, 2019

by Deacon Robin Cheung

Lord! Increase our faith! (Luke 17:5)

As we celebrate the second Sunday of Lent, let us give thanks to God and ask Him to increase our faith.
May His fragrance of true faith soften our hardened hearts. May He enlighten us to find the true meaning of our faith and guide us to eternal life!
Today, the Church is inviting us to reflect more deeply on our faith (our covenant with God). In other words, to reflect:

Who am I? What is my relationship with God and with others, especially with family members?

By reflecting on today’s three readings, we can feel the love of God and His desire to share His love with us.
First, God makes a covenant with Abraham and blesses his descendants.
Second, Jesus increases the faith of the three disciples by His transfiguration.
Third, St. Paul reminds us in the letter to the Ephesians that our citizenship is in heaven.

What should we pay attention to after we have meditated on these readings?

God wants us to share His joy, His peace, and His love on earth. The question is: Should we not prepare ourselves, with Jesus’ help, to walk back to our eternal home? After all, we are all travelers in this world (Psalm 119:19).
Since our stay on earth is temporary and short, compared to eternity, which is forever, therefore, our focus now should be on preparing to live with God by practicing his love.

At the end of our time on earth, God will not ask us how rich we are, how healthy we are, or how famous we are.

All He will ask is: What did we do with His Son, Jesus Christ?

What did we do with His love that He gave us: talents, opportunities, relationships, and resources?

Did we use them selfishly, or did we use them for the betterment of others?
Our response to this question will determine where and with whom we will spend our eternity.
My dear friends in Christ, God loves us so much. He doesn’t want us to fail the exam. That’s why He provides us with the answers ahead of our test (Matthew 25:31-46).

All we need to do is to answer them faithfully with our works.

"What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him?" (James 2:14)

Let us heed God’s advice: “This is my Son, my Chosen; listen to Him!” (Luke 9:35b)

Our Lady, Help of Christians, pray for us!

Deacon Robin Cheung is a permanent deacon serving in the Archdiocese of Montreal. Previously, he served at Montreal Chinese Catholic Mission. Currently, he is at St. John Brébeuf Parish in LaSalle.
Contact him by email at

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