When Francis was elected pope in 2013, the Church unexpectedly found itself in a remarkable moment. Francis came seemingly out-of-the-blue, trailblazing and challenging all of us to keep pace as he recalibrated the Church’s mission, calling us to be more proactive and less reactive, outward-looking rather than inward-focused, bold and prone to mistakes rather than isolated and safe. In 2014, Salt + Light Catholic Media Foundation released The Francis Effect – a documentary that shed light on the first year of Francis’ pontificate. Now, five years later, The Francis Impact, releasing on May 5, will take a different focus on the same man. “The Francis Impact features a variety of remarkable stories, including ordinary people working on the margins, bishops, and those outside the Church who see Francis as a partner in dialogue, a unique moral voice, and a beacon of hope for all of humanity,” said Sebastian Gomes, Director, The Francis Effect and The Francis Impact. “This is not a film about Francis changing the Church. It is a film about the Church changing the world.”“This is not a film about Francis changing the Church. It is a film about the Church changing the world.”
- Sebastian Gomes, Director
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Salt + Light TV is available through most major cable providers in Canada and will be on Free Preview from April 14 to May 12. (Check with your local TV provider for details.) Click here to find out what TV providers carry us and how to subscribe.- If you are outside Canada, you can watch online via our live stream or by using our Roku application.
In his Wednesday General Audience, Pope Francis continued this cycle of catechesis on "Jesus Christ our Hope," as part of the Jubilee 2025. This week he reflected on the Magnificat, the Virgin Mary's Song of Praise after she is greeted by her cousin Elizabeth.
Reflecting on the vision given to St. Joseph in the Gospel of Matthew, Pope Francis said that "He dreams of the miracle that God fulfils in Mary’s life, and also the miracle that he works in his own life: to take on a fatherhood capable of guarding, protecting, and passing on a material and spiritual inheritance."
Pope Francis continued this cycle of catechesis on "Jesus Christ our Hope." Reflecting on the Angel Gabriel's greeting to the Virgin Mary at the Annunciation, he said that "The 'Almighty,' the God of the 'impossible' is with Mary, together with and beside her; He is her companion, her principal ally, the eternal 'I-with-you.'"
In his weekly catechesis, Pope Francis reflected on the fruits of the Spirit. Beginning with Joy, he said that "not only is it not subject to the inevitable wear of time, but it multiplies when it is shared with others! A true joy is shared with others; it even spreads."
In his weekly catechesis, Pope Francis reflected on how the Holy Spirit empowered the Blessed Virgin Mary to become the Mother of God.