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Acclaimed CATHOLICISM series debuts on Sunday

Kris Dmytrenko

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Having premiered on PBS in the United States, CATHOLICISM comes to Canada this Sunday, November 20. It's difficult to overstate the significance of Fr. Robert Barron's series. This major television event combines both breathtaking imagery and inspiring teaching.
Archbishop Timothy Dolan of New York believes the series is "just what we need in the Catholic Church today." Author George Weigel describes CATHOLICISM as "the most important media initiative in the history of the Catholic Church in the United States."
Weigel might actually be selling Fr. Barron's project short -- its influence will extend well beyond the U.S. to parish groups, RCIA classes, and campus ministries throughout the English-speaking world. But first, its impact begins in your home.
The series starts this Sunday at 8:30pm ET / 5:30pm PT and continues weekly through Christmas Eve. Here is the description for the first episode that S+L will air, titled "Happy Are We: The Teachings of Jesus".
The revelation of Jesus as God is accompanied by a stunning invitation to a unique new way of life, explained in the teachings of Jesus. To every generation, the words of Jesus have proven fascinating, disorienting, sometimes confounding, deeply transformative, and always unforgettable. Father Barron highlights the Beatitudes, the path of non-violence and lessons of forgiveness, care for the poor and our relationship with God as presented in the parables. Jesus’ teachings are illuminated during Fr. Barron’s pilgrimages to Poland, Germany, Spain and New York City. Commentaries at these sites also show how the Catholic Church is a living culture, which gives witness to the inviolable dignity of the human person.

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