The catechesis sessions traditionally take place from the Wednesday to Friday of WYD. In Madrid they will be on Wednesday August 17th, Thursday August 18th, and Friday August 19th, at 10:00 am. Every day there will be a different bishop at each location and the sessions are organized by language.
This year, rather than assigning catechesis sessions to the registered participants, the WYD National Office invites pilgrims to go to the catechesis session closest to their accommodation.
The largest English-speaking catechesis site will be at the Knights of Columbus and Sisters of Life-sponsored
Love and Life Site, housed in the
Palacio de los Deportes. At the Love and Life Site, catechesis sessions will be led by three bishops--one from Australia, one from the U.S. and one from Canada. These catechesis sessions will be broadcast
live at WYD TV on on those three days, and on S+L TV's digital cable network from August 17-19 at 9am ET (6am PT). Each catechesis session ends with daily Mass.
For more information about S+L TV's WYD coverage visit