Celebrating 25 years of D.R.E.A.M.S. at St. Mary’s
Maria Montemayor
April 15, 2024
This year marks the 25th anniversary of the D.R.E.A.M.S. program at St. Mary’s Catholic Secondary School in Hamilton, Ontario. ...
Faith as Protest and Music by Chris Bray
Salt + Light Hour
April 13, 2024
We know that Faith calls us to justice but the Rev. Dr. Karen  A. Hamilton argues that faith also calls us to protest. This week she tells us about her book that compiles stories of all faiths as protest. Damien O’Connor of the Knights of Columbus, has an update about a program that helps men ...
Baptism in Ecumenical Dialogue: Questions about the Trinitarian Formula | One Body
Sr. Donna Geernaert, SC
April 12, 2024
With our recent celebration of the Easter Vigil in mind, it’s a good time to reflect on the ecumenical significance of baptism and offer a brief review of some of the dialogues that have taken place on this topic. ...
Cabrini review: A story of triumph over obstacles
Maria Montemayor
April 11, 2024
From beginning to end, the movie kept my attention. There was action, drama, tension, and faith. I gasped, I cried, and I was inspired. ...
Pope’s General Audience – April 10, 2024
Pope Francis
April 10, 2024
Today’s catechesis is dedicated to the third of the cardinal virtues, namely fortitude. ...
How do we use social media? Reflecting on its role in daily life
Julian Paparella
April 9, 2024
We live in an increasingly connected world. Social media helps us to express ourselves, find out what's going on and keep in touch with our loved ones. But of course, social media also carries risks. ...
Encore SLHour 2023 Easter Edition
with Divine Mercy, Sarah Hart and Steve Angrisano

Salt + Light Hour
April 6, 2024
On this Divine Mercy weekend, join us for an encore-edition of the SLHour from Easter 2023, with our contributors: What I Learned From My Kids with Gillian, who learns Lenten and Easter lessons; What’s Good in Hollywood with Mark, who ponders the meaning of transcendence, and Sr. Marie-Paul, fsp, who looks at the Windows to ...
Pray with Pope Francis Reflection – April 2024
Fr. Edmund Lo, SJ
April 5, 2024
In this month of April, Pope Francis invites us to pray that the dignity and worth of women be recognised in every culture, and for an end to the discrimination they face in various parts of the world. ...
Pope’s General Audience – April 3, 2024
Pope Francis
April 3, 2024
Here we are at the second of the cardinal virtues: today we will talk about justice. ...
April 2024 | Pray with Pope Francis: For the role of women
Jennifer Nip
April 2, 2024