The heart and essence of wisdom | Word Alive
Sarah Hart
November 6, 2020
In this time in our world, when fear is at its height, wisdom suffers greatly. How are we called to be attentive to its voice? ...
Life, our journey to love | Love Digest
Julian Paparella
November 5, 2020
What is love? In this new series, Julian Paparella explores love in everyday life in light of God's love for us and our call to love one another. ...
People of God, Called to Holiness
Salt + Light Media
November 3, 2020
Dr. Josephine Lombardi addresses the ecclesiology of Vatican II and helps us consider how the Church can better respond to today’s challenges. ...
What fall teaches us about letting go
Louisa Florentin
November 3, 2020
What areas of your life are you clinging tightly to? Perhaps it's time to learn from the leaves and let go. ...
Deacon-structing the Four Last Things
Deacon Pedro
November 2, 2020
How often do you think about death? Purgatory? Hell? Deacon Pedro walks us through what the Church teaches about what happens after this life. ...
McGivney’s Miracle: A Featured Chat with the Schachle Family!
Salt + Light Media
October 31, 2020
Fr. Michael McGivney, founder of the Knights of Columbus is being beatified on Saturday, October 31, 2020. This week, we meet Dan and Michelle Schachle, the parents of Michael, the child who received the miracle that led to McGivney's beatification. Danny Torchia returns with communication and marketing tips in "Media Ministry Minutes", Billy has another question about deacons, and we meet a musical family, Rhythm and Grace. ...
41st Annual Cardinal’s Dinner TV Special
Salt + Light Media
October 30, 2020
Join us for the 41st Annual Cardinal’s Dinner – A Virtual Evening on November 5, 2020, at 7:00 pm ET. Find out more details here. ...
“Revelation”: the word to describe a whole year | Word Alive
Stephanie Blaquera
October 30, 2020
Does the Book of Revelation only seem to point to a distant, scary future? Think again. A reflection for the Solemnity of All Saints. ...
Saving liberalism from itself
Fr. Damian Howard, SJ
October 27, 2020
Fr. Damian Howard, Provincial of the Jesuits in Britain, shares his views on Pope Francis' new encyclical, Fratelli Tutti. ...
Conversation and conversion: commitment to dialogue | One Body
Sr. Donna Geernaert, SC
October 27, 2020
Dialogue is not only an essential part of our search for Christian unity but also inherent in our vocation as Christians. ...