Deacon-structing Love Part 5: Myths
Deacon Pedro
October 22, 2017
In our quest to find out what Jesus meant when he said that we must love God and neighbour, we have to be able to define love. We must also be able to stay away from those “love myths”. There are many definitions of love and many volumes have been written on the subject. If ...
Matt Maher has a new album!
Salt + Light Media
October 21, 2017
Do you hate going to confession? This week on the SLHour, Fr. Mike Prieur tells us about the art of the confessor. Sr. Marie-Paul Curley has the Windows to the Soul to a few superhero films; Billy Chan has a question about judgement and we reconnect with Matt Maher who has a new album, Echoes. ...
Pope Francis, the death penalty, and the development of doctrine
Sebastian Gomes
October 21, 2017
Pope Francis just did something that few Popes have ever done. He wants to update the Church's teaching on the death penalty. Is this a development of doctrine? ...
Pressing Pause
Peter Turek
October 20, 2017
“An Americano please. To go. …You know? Take away.” I tried the walking man gesture using two fingers. I was a Canadian man in Lampedusa, Italy. The small island of Lampedusa made headlines in the past few years for unfortunate reasons. It is the first European port for many refugees trying to find a safer, ...
Deacon-structing Love 4: The Joy of the Gospel
Deacon Pedro
October 15, 2017
“Tres cosas tiene el amor que no se pueden olvidar: Que Dios nos amó primero, que hay que darse por entero y ponerse a caminar.” (Tres Cosas Tiene el Amor, Fernando Leiva) Last time, I mentioned a bit of what Pope Francis said during his trip to the World Meeting of Families in 2015. With ...
Cardinal Farrell on the SLHour!
Salt + Light Media
October 14, 2017
What does the Church need to know from young people? This week we speak with Cardinal Kevin Farrell, of the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life; Gillian Kantor learns something new from her kids; Billy Chan has more questions for Dummies and we reconnect singer/songwriter Mikey Needleman, who has a new album, We Ask of ...
Canonizations in Rome – October, 2017
Salt + Light Media
October 12, 2017
In Rome, in Saint Peter’s Square, Pope Francis will canonize the following: Blessed Angelo da Acri, Italian Capuchin priest (1669-1739); Blessed Faustino Miguez Gonzalez, Spanish Piarist priest, founder of the Calasanzian Institute (1831-1925); Blessed Cristobal, Blessed Antonio, Blessed Juan, Martyrs of Tlaxcala: 3 children killed for having embraced the Christian faith in Mexico, in 1527 ...
Salt + Light Speaks to the Young Church in Canada
Emilie Callan
October 10, 2017
Salt + Light TV presents a nationally televised forum with young Canadians, Cardinal Kevin Farrell and Pope Francis to prepare for the October 2018 Synod of Bishops on Youth. Click here to watch the forum ...
The Invisible Made Visible
Emilie Callan
October 9, 2017
“When faith… encounters art, it creates a profound harmony because each can and wishes to speak of God, making the Invisible visible” (Pope Benedict XVI, General Audience, 18 November 2009) Have you ever looked at a work of art (a painting let’s say of a landscape) and, remembering the wonder of creation, be stirred into ...
Deacon-structing Love Part 3: The Family
Deacon Pedro
October 8, 2017
The last two weeks we’ve been looking at love (part 1 and part 2). Jesus said that the two greatest commandments are to love God and to love neighbour (Matthew 22:36-40). He also said we have to love our enemies (Matthew 5:44). Last week we looked at seven qualities of love. Today let’s begin by ...