Corporal Works of Mercy
Prevain Devendran
January 26, 2017
Corporal Works of Mercy: A Reflection on Mother Teresa of Calcutta. ...
5 Ways to Improve Your Prayer Life
Emilie Callan
January 26, 2017
Holiness is built on a continuous friendship with God. That’s why saints are known for their intense prayer life. They have come to know the One whom they desire to resemble most. As Trappist monk Dom Chautard once said: In order to sanctify the world, we must first sanctify ourselves. This begins with personal prayer. ...
Pope Francis’ Homily at Vespers for the Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul
Salt + Light Media
January 25, 2017
On Wednesday, January 25, 2017, Pope Francis presided over the celebration of Vespers for the Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul at the conclusion of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. Please find the full text of his prepared homily below: Encountering Jesus on the road to Damascus radically transformed the life of ...
Ecumenical Update 2017: How close are Lutherans and Catholics to full unity?
Sebastian Gomes
January 25, 2017
(S+L Photo: Fr. Damian MacPherson, SA of the Archdiocese of Toronto (right) and Pastor Christian Ceconi of the Evangelical Lutheran Church (middle) discuss potential ground-breaking initiatives of Christian unity in 2017 with host Sebastian Gomes) Traditionally the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is celebrated between two feasts: the Confession of Saint Peter (January 18) ...
Official Announcement of WYD 2019 in Panama City
Salt + Light Media
January 24, 2017
Words of the Archbishop of Panama, Jose Domingo Ulloa Mendieta at the press conference announcing the date of WYD 2019. We would like to reiterate our gratitude to Pope Francis in choosing Panama to host World Youth Day (WYD) in 2019, with the motto: “I am the servant of the Lord. May it be done ...
Pope Francis’ Message for the 51st World Day of Social Communications
Salt + Light Media
January 24, 2017
The theme for the Church’s 2017 World Day for Social Communications is: “Fear not, for I am with you” (Is 43.5). Communicating hope and trust in our time. The message is released on January 24 each year, feast of St. Francis de Sales, patron saint of journalists and communicators. The day is usually commemorated on ...
Filippino Cardinal Orlando Quevedo, OMI, Visits Salt + Light
Salt + Light Media
January 23, 2017
We had the great honor and privilege of hosting Cardinal Orlando Quevedo, OMI, Metropolitan Archbishop of Cotabato in the Philippines in our new studios today. Cardinal Quevedo was in town to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the foundation of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate (how cool is that?!) Cardinal Quevedo was born in Laoag, ...
Encore Edition of the SLHour: The Face of Mercy and other great conversations
Deacon Pedro
January 21, 2017
This week, on a special edition of the SLHour, we speak with author Chris Stepien about how to live life to the fullest and we reconnect with singer/songwriter Mags. Producer David Naglieri tells us about the latest Knights of Columbus films and John Michael Talbot has a new album. Email us your comments or send ...
Young voices key to preparing next Synod – Vatican Connections
Emilie Callan
January 21, 2017
This week on Vatican Connections, the Church marks the Week of prayer for Christian Unity. In Rome, the Holy Father kicks it off with an ecumenical delegation from Finland and Cardinal Kurt Koch, President of the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of Christian Unity, shares with Vatican Radio what ecumenism looked like last year. The ...
Pope Francis’ Message to Donald Trump, 45th President of the United States of America
Salt + Light Media
January 20, 2017
Below is the message of Pope Francis sent today, January 20, 2017,  to the 45th President of the United States of America, Donald J. Trump on the occasion of his inauguration. The Honorable Donald Trump President of the United States of America The White House Washington, DC Upon your inauguration as the forty-fifth President of ...