Knights of Columbus Supreme Convention – Homily by Cardinal Donald Wuerl
Salt + Light Media
August 3, 2016
On Wednesday, August 3, 2016, Cardinal Wuerl delivered the following homily during the Holy Mass for the 134th Knights of Columbus Supreme Convention, taking place in Toronto, Canada: Grand Ballroom Sheraton Centre Hotel Toronto, Canada Wednesday, August 3, 2016 8:00 a.m. Homily by His Eminence Cardinal Donald Wuerl, Archbishop of Washington Your Eminences, your Beatitudes, brother bishops, brother priests ...
Pope In Poland: Meeting with WYD Volunteers
Salt + Light Media
August 1, 2016
On Sunday, July 31, 2016, Pope Francis met with all of the volunteers that made World Youth Day Krakow 2016 possible. The Holy Father set aside his prepared text and delivered the following remarks: Before returning to Rome, I wanted to meet you and, before all else, to thank each of you for the effort, ...
Pope In Poland: Homily during WYD Closing Mass
Salt + Light Media
July 31, 2016
On Sunday, July 31, 2016, the feast of St. Ignatius of Loyola, Pope Francis celebrated the closing Mass for the World Youth Day Krakow 2016 in Poland at Campus Misericordiae. Below, find the full text of his prepared homily: Dear young people, you have come to Krakow to meet Jesus. Today’s Gospel speaks to us of ...
Watch the World Youth Day Prayer Vigil
Salt + Light Media
July 30, 2016
Watch Pope Francis preside over the World Youth Day Prayer Vigil at Campus Misericordiae on Saturday evening, July 30, 2016. ...
Watch the USCCB Mass at Mercy Centre
Salt + Light Media
July 30, 2016
Watch the celebration of the USCCB Mass at the Mercy Centre which took place on Saturday, July 29, 2016 in Krakow, Poland during the World Youth Day 2016. ...
Watch Pope Francis’ Visit to Divine Mercy Sanctuary
Salt + Light Media
July 30, 2016
Pope Francis visited the Divine Mercy Sanctuary in Lagiewniki on Saturday, July 29, 2016, during his visit to Poland for World Youth Day Krakow 2016. Watch the video of his visit above.   ...
Pope In Poland: Address during WYD Prayer Vigil
Salt + Light Media
July 30, 2016
On Saturday, July 29, 2016, Pope Francis presided over the prayer vigil during the World Youth Day 2016 in Krakow, Poland. Below, you can find the full text of his prepared remarks during the vigil at Campus Misericordae: Dear young people, good evening! It is good to be here with you at this Prayer Vigil! ...
Poland’s Heart: From JPII to Francis
Salt + Light Media
July 30, 2016
Story and Photos by James Ramos Maria offered us a place inside the bush. Suddenly, this sweet Polish lady moved so that we could find a place along the fence line to see Pope Francis in his Popemobile and we now found ourselves between a big green bush and a fence on Straszwskiego Street. Maria ...
Pope In Poland: Homily during Mass with Priests, Religious, Consecrated Persons and Seminarians
Salt + Light Media
July 30, 2016
On Saturday, July 30, 2016, Pope Francis celebrated Mass with priests, religious, consecrated persons and seminarians at St. John Paul II’s Shrine in Krakow during World Youth Day Krakow 2016. Belo, you will find the full text of his prepared address: The words of the Gospel we have just heard (cf. Jn 20:19-31) speak to ...
The Magic of WYD
Salt + Light Media
July 29, 2016
Written by Ian Meaden I spent the past couple of days trying to think of an interesting aspect of World Youth Day to write about, namely because there is so much I could talk about. There is so much going on all the time. For those reading this blog who may not know, World Youth ...