Deacon-structing Mercy: Justice
Deacon Pedro
January 31, 2016
mer·cy noun: mercy; plural noun: mercies Compassion or forgiveness shown toward someone whom it is within one’s power to punish or harm. jus·tice noun: justice; plural noun: justices Just behavior or treatment. The quality of being fair and reasonable. Last week we learned why Pope Francis declared this year to be the Year of Mercy. ...
Coast to Coast: January 24 to January 30
Alicia Ambrosio
January 30, 2016
In the brief hush of ordinary time between the end of the Christmas season and the beginning of Lent, parishes and diocese focus their attention on the day to day and week to week aspects of faith life. Even in that, there are a few things for us to share this week as a sample ...
Behind Vatican Walls: Vatican Diplomacy
Salt + Light Media
January 29, 2016
The Holy See maintains diplomatic relations with 180 states. Among those are countries that do not have diplomatic relations with each other. Iran is one of those cases. Both Canada and the US do not currently have formal diplomatic relations with Iran. The Holy See, however, has maintained diplomatic relations with all three of these ...
Pope wants more merciful tweets, posts and comments
Sebastian Gomes
January 28, 2016
(Photo: CNS) Pope Francis says a lot of surprising and challenging things.  Often I read something he’s said or written and say to myself, “I can’t believe he said that.”  Still—as with anything else—we can become desensitized to his spontaneity and candour, and we risk glossing over some of his highly consequential statements. One recent statement ...
Pope Francis – Deeply Ignatian and Deeply Jesuit
Salt + Light Media
January 28, 2016
By Peter Schineller, S.J. The first Jesuit Pope! We have moved beyond the original surprise and shock. What does it mean? How is Pope Francis deeply Ignatian and deeply Jesuit? I see one key link between Francis and Ignatius, a link that Francis himself has pointed. It is found in a Latin phrase, not easily translated, ...
Connect5: Pierluigi Molla, on his mother, St. Gianna
Salt + Light Media
January 27, 2016
Pierluigi Molla, son of St. Gianna Beretta Molla, shares memories of his mother and the lessons Catholics can learn from her life. How are you going to spend the next five minutes of your time?  You could browse social media or check your email, but how about meeting a fascinating person and learning something relevant ...
Pope Francis 2016 Lenten Message
Salt + Light Media
January 26, 2016
Pope Francis released his 2016 Lenten Message based on the verse ” I desire mercy, and not sacrifice” (Mt 9:13). Read the full text of his message, titled ‘The works of mercy on the road of the Jubilee,’ below: “I desire mercy, and not sacrifice” (Mt 9:13). The works of mercy on the road of ...
Pope Francis at Ecumenical Vespers Homily: Walk the way of unity
Salt + Light Media
January 25, 2016
Pope Francis asked for ‘mercy and forgiveness’ for the way Christians have behaved towards each other, saying we cannot let the weight of past faults continue to contaminate our relationships. The Pope’s words came in his homily at an ecumenical celebration of Vespers on Monday evening in the Papal Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls ...
Deacon-structing Mercy: Doctrine
Deacon Pedro
January 24, 2016
With Pope Francis’ changes to the Holy Thursday liturgy last week, I was reminded of a conversation I had with a young man during the Christmas holiday. He was visiting from Europe and was expressing concern about where Pope Francis seems to be taking the Church. He said that among his circle of friends and acquaintances ...
Behind Vatican Walls: Apple vs. Android?
Alicia Ambrosio
January 22, 2016
This week the Pope’s message for the World Day for Social Communication was released with some fanfare at the Vatican. The real fanfare, however, was going on inside the Apostolic Palace. Pope Francis met with Apple CEO Tim Cook. The meeting comes one week after the pope met with Eric Schmidt, the chairman of Alphabet, ...