This is Christmas – Caroling in the Amazon
Cheridan Sanders
December 5, 2015
Children return home after caroling on Christmas in Santa Rita de Castilla, a small town on the bank of the Maranon River in the Peruvian Amazon. CNS photo/Barbara Fraser ...
Behind Vatican Walls: The Making of a Jubilee
Salt + Light Media
December 4, 2015
The event Pope Francis has been waiting for since his pontificate started will finally kick off December 8. The Jubilee Year of Mercy officially begins on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception with the opening of the Holy Door at the St. Peter’s Basilica, though the jubilee is already in full swing in Bangui, Central ...
Lunch Box Conversations: Deacon Pedro on Creation
Vivian Cabrera
December 4, 2015
As Canada’s only Catholic Television Network that broadcasts across the nation 24 hours a day seven days a week, we run a fairly tight operation. With 30 or so full time employees, everyone is constantly doing one thing or another. But when it comes to lunch time, there is no messing around. We sit, we ...
Coast to Coast: November 29 to December 5
Alicia Ambrosio
December 4, 2015
Another week has come to an end. Here is a look at what we’ve been reading about across the country: The diocese of Whitehorse has a new bishop: Fr. Hector Vila, a Neocatecumenal priest from Toronto. In Edmonton, Christians and Muslims are working together to show the wider community it is more than possible to ...
This is Christmas – Shenyang, China
Cheridan Sanders
December 4, 2015
Choir members sing carols in front of a figure of Christ during Christmas Eve Mass at a Catholic church in Shenyang, China. CNS photo/Sheng Li, Reuters ...
Connect5: Fr. Hugh Cleary, CSC on family prayer and the Rosary
Salt + Light Media
December 3, 2015
A former Superior General of the Congregation of Holy Cross links prayer with healthy families and discusses the significance of the Rosary. How are you going to spend the next five minutes of your time?  You could browse social media or check your email, but how about meeting a fascinating person and learning something relevant ...
This is Christmas – Hospitality in Honduras
Cheridan Sanders
December 3, 2015
A woman and a girl stand outside their home Dec. 4, 2013 under a sign that says “Merry Christmas” in Spanish in a poor neighborhood of Tegucigalpa, Honduras. CNS photo/Jorge Cabrera, Reuters ...
Pope Francis invites homeless for movie premiere – Perspectives Daily
Carlos Ferreira
December 2, 2015
This is Christmas – Christkindlmarkt, Vienna
Cheridan Sanders
December 2, 2015
People pack into the popular Christkindlmarkt to shop and see the Christmas illuminations in Vienna’s Rathauspark. Vienna is known for its outdoor Christmas markets with handcrafted Christmas ornaments, which are popular destinations for locals and tourists during Advent. CNS photo/Chaz Muth ...
Mercy in Your City
Vivian Cabrera
December 1, 2015
The Jubilee of Mercy is upon us and you know what that means? No? Me neither. At least, I didn’t really know what it meant or how it pertained to me until a little while ago. Earlier this year, March 13, 2015 to be exact, Pope Francis announced a Holy Year of Mercy for the ...