Mass for Vocations of the Archdiocese of Montreal
Salt + Light Media
January 27, 2015
Exclusively on Salt and Light TV watch the broadcast of the Mass for Vocations of the Archdiocese of Montreal on Friday, January 30, 2015 at 8:30 pm (ET). The Mass will be celebrated by His Excellency Christian Lépine, Archbishop of Montreal in the city’s Grand Seminary: 2065, Sherbrooke St. West. The liturgy will be coordinated ...
Papal Politics and the Concept of Dialogue
Stefan Slovak
January 26, 2015
Over the weekend, Pope Francis addressed the Pontifical Institute of Arabic and Islamic Studies. Speaking on the occasion of its 50th anniversary, the Holy Father focused on the concept of dialogue, lauding the academy for their work in furthering Christian-Islamic relations. He told them “the most effective antidote against all forms of violence is education ...
Pope Francis’ Homily – Solemnity of the Conversion of St. Paul the Apostle
Salt + Light Media
January 25, 2015
Conclusion of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity January 25, 2015 At 5:30 this evening (Rome time) in the Basilica of St. Paul outside the walls, Pope Francis presided at the celebration of Second Vespers for the Solemnity of the Conversion of St. Paul the Apostle. This ceremony formally concludes the Week of Prayer ...
Deacon-structing Vocations: Conclusion part 2
Deacon Pedro
January 25, 2015
Last week I said that everyone gets called. But sometimes we don’t recognize it, because we’re distracted or ‘cause we’re not expecting it. But the call comes and looking at Scripture helps us recognize the Call when it comes. First you have an encounter with Christ; an encounter with the Divine; then comes a calling. And ...
Roamin’ Catholic Apologetics and other conversations
Salt + Light Media
January 24, 2015
This week, on a special edition of the SLHour, Chesterton expert Dale Ahlquist has a new apologetics book and Dr. Peter Kleponis shows us how to restore our integrity from what he calls a pornography epidemic. We also speak with beloved Catholic composer Dan Schutte and catch up with singer/songwriter Tony Melendez. These interviews first ...
Coast to Coast: January 18 to January 24
Alicia Ambrosio
January 24, 2015
Here is some of what’s been making headlines in the church across Canada: The week of prayer for Christian unity is upon us once again. Here’s a rundown of events and prayer services happening across the country. In Winnipeg, the archdiocese is getting into the fight against drugs, setting up a ministry for people struggling ...
Unsung Heros No More
Cheridan Sanders
January 24, 2015
It’s a familiar story, religious women doing exceptional works and for the most part going unnoticed.  But that’s about to change. Thanks to a $900 000 dollar grant from the Conrad Hilton Foundation. The Loyola Institute for Ministry will use the grant to help Catholic sisters in the U.S. and Africa build their social media ...
Vatican Connections: January 23, 2015
Alicia Ambrosio
January 23, 2015
Pope Francis’ second Asian voyage ended the way all of his trips have ended: with an extensive press conference on board the return flight and flurry of headlines – some accurate, some not. The voyage also delivered unscripted moments typical of the Jesuit pope. Twice Pope Francis ditched his prepared text to speak off the ...
Communicating the Family: A Privileged Place of Encounter with the Gift of Love
Salt + Light Media
January 23, 2015
Read the message of His Holiness Pope Francis from Pontifical Council for Social Communications on the 49th World Communications Day: the importance of the family as ‘environment in which we learn to communicate’. Pontifical Council for Social Communications  49th World Communications Day 2015 Message of His Holiness Pope Francis The family is a subject of profound ...
It’s worth taking another look at the “Asian Pope Francis”
Sebastian Gomes
January 22, 2015
For those who watched or witnessed the recent papal visit of Pope Francis to the Philippines, it’s impossible not to have noticed the involvement of Manila’s archbishop, Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle. Tagle is easily the most popular Cardinal of the Catholic Church, and not just among Filipinos. He’s been likened to Pope Francis, in wide ...