Extraordinarily Ordinary, St. Josemaria Escriva
Salt + Light Media
June 26, 2014
St. Josemaria and I I met Opus Dei, often coined “the Work”, in Vancouver through my best friend. She invited me to a centre of the Work to attend one of their Christmas Triduum’s. I was in awe of the beautiful centre and all the happy people I saw there. Shortly after that I attended ...
Perspectives Daily- Pope francis: “There is No freelancers in the Church”
Carlos Ferreira
June 25, 2014
Tonight on Perspectives Archbishop Tomasi speaks about family at the UN And we take a look at this week’s General Audience ...
Deacon-structing End of Life | Part 1
Deacon Pedro
June 25, 2014
May 6 this year will go down as one of the saddest days in the history of the province of Quebec. On that day, members of the Quebec national assembly voted in favour of Bill 52, the “Act of Respecting End-of-life.” Supporters call it “medical aid in dying”. I call it what it is: Euthanasia. ...
The Voice Crying out in the Wilderness
Deacon Pedro
June 24, 2014
This an adaptation of my homily for the  second Sunday in Advent, Year A. The readings were: Isaiah 11:1-10; Psalm 72;  Romans 15:4-9 and Matthew 3:1-12. On this Solemnity of the Birth of John the Baptist it is good to reflect on the meaning of being a “voice”. The voice crying out in the wilderness ...
What is the Anglican-Use Mass? Find out this Sunday, June 22.
Salt + Light Media
June 18, 2014
It’s unlikely many Catholics have heard of an Anglican-Use Mass or the even more rarified term Anglicanorum Coetibus which is Latin for ‘Groups of Anglicans’. For those of us who may have heard the term in passing, curiosity might have begged an explanation, but I expect many did what I did and thought what the ...
S+L’s The Church Alive Wins 2014 Gabriel Award
Salt + Light Media
June 18, 2014
Salt + Light Television was once again recognized by the Catholic Academy for Communications Arts Professionals and was awarded the prestigious Gabriel Award for the fifth time since the network’s inception in 2003. The Church Alive, a fast-paced, segmented and interactive show on Salt +Light hosted by producers Cheridan Sanders and Sebastian Gomes, was named ...
Installation Mass of Bishop William McGrattan
Salt + Light Media
June 17, 2014
Bishop William McGrattan is installed in the Cathedral of St-Peter-in-Chains as the 12th bishop of Peterborough. Most Reverend Auxiliary Bishop William McGrattan was appointed as the 12th Bishop of Peterborough in April after the resignation of Most Reverend Bishop Nicola De Angelis, C.F.I.C. The installation of Most Reverend Bishop William McGrattan will be celebrated on ...
Pope Francis’ Address to Archbishop Justin Welby
Salt + Light Media
June 16, 2014
Pope Francis met on Monday with the Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby, saying he hoped their meeting would serve to strengthen further our bonds of friendship and our commitment to the great cause of reconciliation and communion between Christian believers. The audience came on the second day of the Anglican leader’s visit to Rome ...
Deacon-structing: The Trinity
Deacon Pedro
June 15, 2014
Ever since World Youth Day 2002, my favourite Scripture passage has been the end of Matthew’s Gospel: Matthew 28:16-20. I think it’s because my middle name is Emmanuel. It means “God with us”. I love that Jesus promises us that he will be with us until the end of time. Today we celebrate a great ...
A voice undefeated
Salt + Light Media
June 14, 2014
Want to become the Father you’re called to be? This week we speak with Devin Schadt, about the call to fatherly greatness. Beth Mahoney explains the work of Holy Cross Family Ministries; Gillian Kantor tells us what she learned from her kids this week and we have a featured chat with country music legend, Collin ...