Walking Humbly in the Land we call Holy
Deacon Pedro
May 16, 2014
On May 24, Pope Francis will become the 4th pope to visit the Holy Land, 50 years after the visit of Pope Paul VI in 1964. It promises to be a historic visit as our beloved Pope goes to Amman in Jordan and then to Bethlehem and Jerusalem. Most of us don’t realize that there ...
Perspectives Daily – Thurs. May 15, 2014
Stefan Slovak
May 15, 2014
Today on Perspectives, the launch of the Archdiocese of Toronto’s Family of Faith Campaign and the announcement of the theme of the 2015 World Meeting Of Families in Philadelphia. ...
The Family at the Heart of Human Development
Salt + Light Media
May 15, 2014
  Below is the address given by His Excellency Most Reverend Vincenzo Paglia Archbishop-Bishop Emeritus of Terni-Narni-Amelia President of the Holy See’s Pontifical Council for the Family On the Occasion of the 2014 International Day of Families United Nations Headquarters, New York City May 15, 2014. The Family at the Heart of Human Development The ...
Cardinal Thomas Collins’ Letter to Justin Trudeau
Salt + Light Media
May 14, 2014
Below is the letter that Cardinal Thomas Collins wrote to Liberal MP Justin Trudeau May 14, 2014: Dear Mr. Trudeau, I am deeply concerned about your decision that citizens who, in conscience, seek to assure the protection of the most vulnerable among us are not acceptable as candidates in your party. Just last week Pope Francis ...
SLHour from Houston, Texas
Salt + Light Media
May 10, 2014
This week on a special SLHour, we come to you from the downtown Chancery building of the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston  in Texas in a show recorded thanks to their Archdiocesan Radio Ministry. We learn about the University of St. Thomas,  meet Catholic environmentalist, Sr. Damien Marie Savino, FSE, and speak with Texan singer/songwriter Ben Apolinar. ...
Vatican Connections: May 9, 2014
Alicia Ambrosio
May 10, 2014
When Pope Francis visits the Holy Land in two weeks, he will have with him representatives of the Jewish and Muslim faiths. Also taking part in the visit will be Maronite Patriarch Bechara Rai, though not as part of the official Vatican Delegation. Last week the patriarch announced he would accompany the pope on his ...
Reconsidering Inconvenience
Salt + Light Media
May 9, 2014
For pilgrims who set out to attend large-scale Church events such as a World Youth Day or a Papal Inauguration, there’s always the remote possibility that you won’t be able to secure a spot at the venue or you get sick and end up missing the event. For those who have traveled halfway around the ...
Pope Francis receives UN delegation: “Resist the economy of exclusion, serve the poor”
Salt + Light Media
May 9, 2014
  Pope Francis met with executives from the United Nations Agencies, Funds and Programmes on Friday, led by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon. Speaking to the men and women who manage the UN’s vast network of humanitarian offices, he urged them to challenge “all forms of injustice” and resist the “economy of exclusion”, the “throwaway ...
Perspectives Daily – Thurs. May 8, 2014
Stefan Slovak
May 8, 2014
Today on Perspectives, the 2014 March for Life from Ottawa. ...
Catholic Education: Serving in the Love of Christ
Salt + Light Media
May 4, 2014
As Catholics in Ontario, Canada celebrate Catholic Education Week from May 4-9, 2014, Pope Francis sends his blessing and commends students and teachers to the intercession of Mary, Seat of Divine Wisdom. His Eminence Cardinal Thomas Collins Archbishop of Toronto President of the Assembly of the Catholic Bishops of Ontario His Holiness Pope Francis sends ...