Hidden Devotions: Mother Thrice Admirable
Alicia Ambrosio
May 22, 2013
In the previous installment of this series on obscure Marian devotions, we met Father Jakob Rem, a German Jesuit who had a hand in the devotion to Mary Untier of Knots. It turns out Fr. Rem had a deep devotion to Mary and wanted to promote devotion to Mary as a way of renewing the ...
Bringing Jesus to a humanity in crisis
Salt + Light Media
May 19, 2013
On Saturday, May 18, Pope Francis celebrated the vigil of the feast of Pentecost at St. Peter’s Square with members of New Movements. Aside from leading a prayer service, the Holy Father also took part in a question and answer session with members of these movements. Below is a report from Vatican Radio about that ...
Pope Francis on Pentecost Sunday: Newness, Harmony and Mission
Salt + Light Media
May 19, 2013
Dear Brothers and Sisters, Today we contemplate and re-live in the liturgy the outpouring of the Holy Spirit sent by the risen Christ upon his Church; an event of grace which filled the Upper Room in Jerusalem and then spread throughout the world. But what happened on that day, so distant from us and yet ...
Catholic Charities celebrates 100 years!
Salt + Light Media
May 18, 2013
Have you ever thought what our nation would be like if it wasn’t for all the Catholic Charities? This week, Michael Fullan, Executive Director of Catholic Charities of Toronto tells us about their 100 years in the Archdiocese. Gillian Kantor tells us what her kids taught her this week and we meet singer/songwriter Amanda Vernon. ...
Pope Francis joins lay movements for Pentecost celebrations
Salt + Light Media
May 17, 2013
This weekend, 120,000 members of lay movements and ecclesial associations are gathering in Rome to celebrate Pentecost and the Year of Faith. Around 150 different groups from around the world are registered for the events. Under the slogan, “I Believe! Increase our Faith”, the pilgrimage begins at the tomb of St. Peter on Saturday morning. ...
Photo of the Day – Chiara Lubich and Pope John Paul II
Cheridan Sanders
May 17, 2013
Pictured above with Pope John Paul II is Chiara Lubich, founder of the Focolare movement (1982). Learn more about the fascinating lay woman who founded one of the Church’s great ecclessial movements. Tune in this Saturday May 18 at 8:30 pm ET / 6:30 pm PT for the premiere of Centro S.Chiara Audiovisivi’s documentary, Trail ...
Cardinal Christoph Schonborn, Unscripted
Salt + Light Media
May 17, 2013
This past week Cardinal Christoph Schonborn of Vienna participated in the Leadership Conference at Holy Trinity Brompton, an Anglican parish in the heart of downtown London. Cardinal Schoenborn’s presentation was more of a Question and Answer session with Holy Trinity pastor Nicky Gumbel. He spoke about Christian Unity, Pope Francis, the Conclave, and was also ...
A person is more than what they consume
Salt + Light Media
May 16, 2013
On Thursday May 17, 2013, Pope Francis met with the ambassadors of Kyrgystan, Antigua and Barbuda, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, and Botswana. Below is the full text of his address to the ambassadors, which focused on the need for ethics, especially in relation to the financial crisis. Your Excellencies, I am pleased to receive ...
Birthing the Renaissance – Catholic Focus
Salt + Light Media
May 16, 2013
The Early Renaissance is considered one of the most crucial and dynamic periods in Western art history. Wealthy 14th-century Florentine citizens commissioned extravagant works of art, spurring artists to explore new materials and innovate new artistic techniques. In a type of new evangelization of their era, these artists also turned to the New Testament stories ...
What did we get ourselves into?
Kris Dmytrenko
May 16, 2013
An integral part of any successful pilgrimage is that moment of self-doubt when you ask yourself, “What have I gotten myself into?” This was a question often uttered along the route of the Camino de Santiago in Spain, which I walked last fall. On the rough days, as we shuffled along the seemingly interminable path, ...