Perspectives: The Weekly Edition – Is a Devotion to Mary Optional?
Salt + Light Media
May 25, 2012
This week on Perspectives we are joined by two priests who have special devotions to Mary and who have been consecrated to Our Blessed Mother: Fr. Pawel Ratajczak, OMI and Fr. Daniel Mentesana, IVE.   ...
Three important priestly saints
Tim Theriault
May 25, 2012
Throughout this past week in the daily gospel readings for mass, we have been working our way through Chapter 17 of St. John’s Gospel, a passage known as Jesus’ great priestly prayer. Quite providentially, these readings bring us up to the feast days of three important “priestly” saints: St. Bede the Venerable, Pope St. GregoryVII, ...
Perspectives Daily – Thursday, May 24
Carlos Ferreira
May 24, 2012
Tonight on Perspectives: The Vatican publishes a document about Marian apparitions and St. Peters Seminary in London, Ontario celebrates its 100 anniversary. ...
Long-term sustainability of the Church’s mission
Sebastian Gomes
May 24, 2012
This article was first published in L’Osservatore Romano, no. 21, on Wednesday, May 23, pg. 9. It is written by Salt + Light’s very own Sebastian Gomes. Click here to see all his blog posts. When our most distant ancestors awoke on the first Easter morning, they could not have imagined what took place during ...
Holy See Mission to the UN opens its doors
Sebastian Gomes
May 24, 2012
On Sunday May 20, fifty university students from across the USA descended upon the Holy See Mission to the UN in New York for a week long seminar looking the what the Holy See Mission does and why. Following Mass and dinner together on Sunday evening, the students were introduced to some members of the ...
Breaking bread with S+L guests
Chris Adamczyk
May 23, 2012
This past week Salt + Light was honored to welcome Archbishop Terrence Prendergast, SJ of Ottawa to our studios. He celebrated mass for us in our chapel and joined us for lunch. Salt + Light is no stranger to visitors. In fact, almost every day we’re welcoming a vast array of guests – friends, families, ...
From Winnipeg to Milan for VII World Meeting of Families
Salt + Light Media
May 23, 2012
This post was submitted by Marie and Andre Brunet of Winnipeg. They will be providing blogs from Milan during the World Meeting of Families. In a matter of days, my husband André and I will be leaving on a pilgrimage – one of many we have embarked on in our lives.  Long before we were ...
The witness of Quebec – A reflection on the Youth Summit in Montreal
Salt + Light Media
May 22, 2012
Today Salt + Light received a beautiful and inspirational reflection from one of our readers and friends, Kyle Ferguson, about his experience of the Montée Jeunesse Youth Summit in Montreal this past weekend. Kyle is the National Coordinator for the Canadian Catholic Campus Ministry Association. Dear Friends, I am currently in Trois Riviere, QC and ...
Secular society needs Catholicism, Pope tells bishops on Ad Limina
Alicia Ambrosio
May 22, 2012
Over the past several months, bishops from across the United States have been making their Ad Limina visits to the Vatican. Each visit ended with a group meeting with Pope Benedict XVI during which he explored the key issues facing the church in the U.S. Catholic News Service’s Rome Bureau Chief Francis X. Rocca provides ...
Perspectives Daily – Monday, May 21
Cheridan Sanders
May 21, 2012
Tonight on Perspectives: we speak with Fr. Kevin Doran, Secretary General of the 50th International Eucharistic Congress. ...