Peter: The unexpected and indestructable rock
Sebastian Gomes
February 20, 2012
I have many fond memories of the years I spent studying with the Benedictines in Collegeville, Minnesota. That Abbey-University combination is quite unique, and it fosters a really vibrant academic (and especially theological) atmosphere. Such a place tends to draw influential people to it, and so on more than one occasion – and often to ...
Canadian celebrations in Rome come to an end
Andrew Santos
February 20, 2012
After an incredible mountain-top experience this past weekend, there continues to be a buzz in Rome. Earlier this morning, Cardinal Thomas Collins celebrated a Mass of Thanksgiving in the Vatican crypt below St. Peter’s Basilica. He was joined by members of the Canadian delegation who accompanied him to Rome for the consistory celebrations. Reflecting upon ...
Benedict XVI: ‘Faith is oriented towards love’
Andrew Santos
February 19, 2012
As we continue with Day 2 of our Consistory coverage, Pope Benedict XVI celebrated Mass this morning in St. Peter’s Basilica with 22 new Cardinals who were inducted at yesterday’s Ordinary Public Consistory. Included among the concelebrants was the Archbishop of Toronto, Thomas Cardinal Collins. During his homily, on this the feast of the Chair ...
A new Cardinal — and a new Saint, too!
Andrew Santos
February 18, 2012
Not only did Pope Benedict XVI give Canada a new Cardinal, but he also approved the canonization of a new Canadian Saint. Along with six others, Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha will be proclaimed a saint later this year — on October 21, 2012. Published below is an official statement released by Archbishop Richard Smith, president of ...
February 18, 2012
Salt + Light Media
February 18, 2012
[singlepic id=147 w=200 h=200 float=right] Do you think that there is room for humour and laughter in religion? This week on S+L Radio we ask Fr. James Martin, SJ, author of Between Heaven and Mirth, why all the sour faces? Daniel Torchia offers public relations tips to Church organizations and we meet new Catholic teen ...
Congratulations Cardinal Collins!
Salt + Light Media
February 18, 2012
The time has finally come! After countless interviews and extensive coverage, Archbishop Thomas Collins of Toronto was formally inducted into the College of Cardinals at a public consistory earlier today. Collins is now the 16th Cardinal in Canadian history. As you can see in the video above, Archbishop Collins was called forward by Pope Benedict ...
Pope to new Cardinals: Love even unto shedding your blood
Salt + Light Media
February 18, 2012
This morning in St. Peter’s Basilica, Pope Benedict created 22 new Cardinals at an Ordinary Public Consistory. Included among them was the Archbishop of Toronto, Cardinal Thomas Collins. During his address, the Holy Father told the new Cardinals that the scarlet colour of their robes and birettas is a symbol of martyrdom. Like Christ, and ...
Disciplining your kids
Salt + Light Media
February 17, 2012
  This week on Perspectives: The Weekly Edition, Pedro assembles his parenting panel, Patrick Douglas, Gillian Kantor and Jason Gennaro, to discuss how Catholic parents should discipline their kids and also give some helpful suggestions. ...
Do Christians have different considerations when disciplining their kids?
Salt + Light Media
February 17, 2012
This week on Perspectives: The Weekly Edition, Pedro assembles his parenting panel, Patrick Douglas, Gillian Kantor and Jason Gennaro, to discuss how Catholic parents should discipline their kids and also give some helpful suggestions. Due to the Consistory for New Cardinals, we will be airing a special Friday edition of Perspectives Daily at 7:00 pm ET / ...
S+L’s Consistory Coverage
Andrew Santos
February 17, 2012
Programming note: For the Mass with new Cardinals on Sunday, we will repeat the liturgy at 10:00am ET (not at 11:15am, as previously advertised). We have also added a repeat broadcast of the French translation of the Mass with New Cardinals at 4:00pm ET. The times of the live broadcast and evening repeats are unchanged. ...