KofC Convention: A Spiritual Charity
Matthew Harrison
August 5, 2010
As we have discussed over the last three days the theme of the Knights of Columbus’ 128th Supreme Convention has been I Am My Brother’s Keeper. On the third and final day of the Convention, the Knights remembered their deceased brothers and family with Mass, on the memorial of the dedication of the Basilica of ...
Can interfaith advocacy make a difference? Part 1
Kris Dmytrenko
August 5, 2010
A few weeks ago, my mixed feelings about multi-faith advocacy were brought to the surface. Before I confess my misgivings, I must tell you that I’m especially indebted to people of other religions and denominations. When I was an agnostic high school student, a Bahá’í friend stoked my interest in God by inviting me to ...
KofC Convention: Charity of Knights providing hope
Alicia Ambrosio
August 4, 2010
With the opening formalities out of the way, today, the second day of the 128th Supreme Convention, the Knights of Columbus get down to business. Mass this morning was celebrated by Cardinal Justin Rigali of Philadelphia at 8:00am. He reminded the congregation that today is also the feast day of Saint John Vianney, the patron saint ...
Mi’kmaq People Celebrate 400 Years of Catholicism
Alessia Domanico
August 4, 2010
Happy 400th Anniversary to the Mi’kmaq First Nations people. The Mi’kmaq peoples’ annual St. Anne’s Mission took place in Cape Breton this weekend. St. Anne’s Mission is one of the longest running annual assemblies in North America. They meet each year to celebrate their faith and promote their culture. This year was particularly special as ...
KofC Convention: Mass at Washington’s Basilica, helping Haiti, honouring a Cuban Cardinal, highlight day one
Alicia Ambrosio
August 3, 2010
Today was the first day of work at the Knights of Columbus Supreme Annual Convention in Washington D.C. Traditionally the convention kicks off with a concelebrated Mass at the conference venue. This year was a little different and whole lot more spectacular. The opening Mass was celebrated at the Basilica of the National Shrine of ...
A Prayer Vigil of Support and Notes of Thanks for Cardinal Ouellet
Jenna Murphy
August 2, 2010
His Eminence Marc Cardinal Ouellet has been a gift to our nation; a visionary for Canada in what some would consider to be bleak times. Though he has been called away from us for a new and exciting mission in Rome, he has left an indelible imprint on many of us, particularly on the hearts ...
July 31, 2010
Salt + Light Media
July 31, 2010
[singlepic id=76 w=150 h=150 float=right] Summer is the time when we take a break from our regular programming and instead bring you some of our best commentary, interviews, artists and songs from the year. This week we speak with Father Robert Barron of Word on Fire. We also hear about the new outreach to Anglicans ...
Today our hearts are bursting, such is the gift of love
Alicia Ambrosio
July 30, 2010
“Today our hearts are bursting, such is the gift of love.” Those are the words Jim and Carol Collier used to express their emotions at their son’s funeral. Sapper Brian Collier was killed last week in Afghanistan by an improvised explosive device. His funeral was held yesterday at Holy Martyrs of Japan parish in Bradford, ...
Extensive Salt + Light Coverage of Knights of Columbus Convention in Washington D.C.
Matthew Harrison
July 30, 2010
Pope John Paul II described them as the “strong right arm of the Church,” and many a priest would consider them backbone to parish activities. More than just an “arm” or a “backbone” the Knights of Columbus are the largest organized “body,” so to speak, of lay Catholic men.  In fact, they’ve just cracked over ...
CNS Vatican Report: Apostolic Archeological Treasures
Matthew Harrison
July 30, 2010
Archeologists have been unearthing ancient art in the Eternal City. Catholic News Service’s Cindy Wooden and Carol Glatz have more on the important and impressive discoveries in this week’s Vatican Report. To download Flash Player please click here ...