And on that farm they had…migrant workers, tonight on Perspectives
Jenna Murphy
June 25, 2010
Literature and movies make farm life appear so quaint. But in those Victorian snapshots of rural living, the dung pile is usually not featured. There are many unpleasant jobs to be done on a farm and sometimes, finding someone to do them is like pulling teeth. This was the case on the Cronin Farm. After ...
Gillian writes on the Domestic Church at Headline Bistro
Matthew Harrison
June 25, 2010
Salt + Light producer Gillian Kantor has been busy working on a second season of our book show Word for Word … all while taking care of her one and half year old son Joseph, and just passing the midway point of her pregnancy with another little bundle of joy! In and amongst all this ...
Underground Rome
Alicia Ambrosio
June 25, 2010
Did you know that the Roman Catacombs were not built to serve as secret churches? The Catacombs were truly just burial places. Just like today’s cemeteries which have chapels on-site, these early burial places also had built in chapels to perform the final blessing of a body before entombment. While Christians were persecuted at various ...
Pope in UK: The Heart of the Pope’s Trip to the UK
Matthew Harrison
June 22, 2010
Cor ad Cor Loquitur – Heart Speaks unto Heart. That was announced last week as the motto for Pope Benedict XVI’s September visit to the UK. The phrase is an appropriate one — it’s the motto on the coat of arms of Cardinal John Henry Newman. The Holy Father will beatify Cardinal Newman on the ...
What is Reconciliation? Part 3
Deacon Pedro
June 21, 2010
So far we’ve looked at sin and at the reasons why the Sacrament requires that we confess to a priest. I know some of you still struggle with that. Perhaps going through the ritual will help a bit. Remember that every Sacrament has a ritual – but the Sacrament is not just the ritual. In ...
Celebrating Fathers
Deacon Pedro
June 20, 2010
Listening to these people on the streets in Whitehorse made me think a lot about why we celebrate fathers (and mothers) and why it’s important to do so. Not so much that I have to thank my own father for what he’s done for me, my brother and our sisters, what he sacrificed for us ...
June 19, 2010
Salt + Light Media
June 19, 2010
[singlepic id=70 w=150 h=161 float=right] With Father’s Day approaching, we are once again reminded of the crisis of fatherhood, so this week we learn about the Fathers For Good Campaign of the Knights of Columbus. We also meet Bishop Gary Gordon of the diocese of Whitehorse, in the Yukon and our featured artist is Steve ...
Tonight on Perspectives: Like a horse and carriage?
Jenna Murphy
June 18, 2010
Love, marriage and children. The three are so intertwined that after a while they become interchangeable. But should they? This week we asked you ” If you could give one piece of parenting advice what would it be?” The answers ranged from “unconditional love” to “read with and to your child”. Gabrielle Suthers writes via ...
CNS Vatican Report: Concluding the Year for Priests
Matthew Harrison
June 18, 2010
The Year for Priests officially came to a close last Friday. This week in the Vatican Report, Catholic News Service’s Cindy Wooden and John Thavis highlight some of Pope Benedict XVI’s words during concluding events for the Year. To download Flash Player please click here – CNS photo/Paul Haring ...
A Father’s Day Parable for June’s Lectio Divina
Matthew Harrison
June 17, 2010
For the past ten months Archbishop Thomas Collins’ Lectio Divina has been meditating on the parables of Jesus. In the final episode of the season, and appropriate to this Sunday’s Father’s Day, Archbishop Collins meditates on the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32). Hearing this parable year after year I had always focused more on the son ...