Off the Isle and Back to the Office
Alessia Domanico
June 17, 2010
The past two weeks have been a whirlwind adventure through Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. I am overwhelmed by how much I’ve been exposed to and had the opportunity to learn about  in such a relatively short amount of time. I tried to soak everything up from religious affairs, politics, Irish culture, economics, ...
Saskatoon meet Rome. Rome meet Saskatoon
Alicia Ambrosio
June 15, 2010
Bishop Don Bolen of Saskatoon was in Rome this week, introducing the priests of his diocese to his former home. In truth they were here for the International Meeting for Priests that wrapped up Thursday in St. Peter’s square. Alas, it’s a long flight from Saskatoon to Rome, so Bishop Bolen and his priests, along ...
What is Reconciliation? Part 2
Deacon Pedro
June 14, 2010
Last time we looked at sin: mortal sin and venial sin and the reason why we continue sinning even after Baptism. We all have a tendency to sin called concupiscence and so that’s why we need Grace to help us bring those disordered appetites into proper order. And I don’t think most people have a ...
June 12, 2010
Salt + Light Media
June 12, 2010
[singlepic id=67 w=150 h=220 float=right]It’s a common story that of a rock musician who leaves it all because of a conversion. That’s what happened to our featured artist of the week, Fred Cacciotti. We speak to him and listen to his music today on S+L Radio. We also speak to one more man in black, ...
Pope asks God’s forgiveness for failings of clergy and reflects on the gift of priesthood at Concluding Mass of Year for Priests
Matthew Harrison
June 11, 2010
Fifteen thousand priests, 350 bishops and 80 cardinals joined Pope Benedict today in celebrating the closing Mass of the Year for Priests. It’s the largest concelebration ever held at the Vatican. The Holy Father did not shy away from addressing the clerical sexual abuse scandal in his homily.  He brought it up early explaining that ...
Consecration to the Immaculate Heart for Priests
Matthew Harrison
June 11, 2010
Pope Benedict led priests in a consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The consecration occurred at the end of the concluding Mass for the Year for Priests, while the Holy Father knelt before an icon of our Blessed Mother. See the consecration below: CONSECRATION TO THE IMMACULATE HEART OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY Immaculate ...
Perspectives: Music at Mass
Jenna Murphy
June 11, 2010
When I was growing up, the only thing that could possibly put a damper on a Sunday Beach day was fulfilling our Sunday obligation… on Saturday night. Like many Catholics in the summertime, our family took advantage of the Saturday night Mass option in order to maximize outdoor time together at the family cottage or ...
CNS Vatican Report: Highlighting the Pope’s visit to Cyprus
Matthew Harrison
June 11, 2010
Only about 3% of the population of Cyprus is Catholic. But the small community received a big boost last weekend when Pope Benedict XVI became the first Pope to visit the Mediterranean island. This week in the Vatican Report, Catholic News Service’s Cindy Wooden and John Thavis highlight the Holy Father’s visit to Cyprus. To ...
I Call You Friends
Deacon Pedro
June 10, 2010
“Take your shoes off and leave them here. Proceed through this door. Leave your clothes, all your clothes in one of these shelves. Go through the shower. Wash well. On the other side you will find clean socks and coveralls. I’ll meet you on the other side.” With those words Wally, our faithful cameraman and ...
Celebrate the conclusion of Year for Priests with Salt + Light
Matthew Harrison
June 8, 2010
How can we fail to be moved when we recall that the gift of our priestly ministry flows directly from this heart?  How can we forget that we priests were consecrated to serve, humbly yet authoritatively, the common priesthood of the faithful?  Ours is an mission which is indispensable for the Church and for the ...