Sunday night premiere – Within Your Gates: A Pilgrim Guide to the Holy Land
Kris Dmytrenko
May 16, 2010
Regular blog readers will recall that in November, Salt + Light filmed extensively in Israel and the Palestinian Territories. Tonight we show you the first film from that trip: Within Your Gates: A Pilgrim Guide to the Holy Land. This evening’s broadcast commemorates the first anniversary of Pope Benedict’s own voyage to the Holy Land. ...
Light for the World
Matthew Harrison
May 15, 2010
It was an early start Thursday morning for me. Day three of the Holy Father’s visit to Portugal, and perhaps the pinnacle of the trip: Holy Mass at Fatima on the feast of Our Lady of Fatima.  Up shortly after 2am, I was in the office just before 4am.  These Apostolic Voyages in different timezones ...
May 15, 2010
Salt + Light Media
May 15, 2010
[singlepic id=63 w=150 h=205 float=right] 93 years ago the Virgin Mary appeared to three shepherd children in Fatima, Portugal. It was on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the beatification of two of these children, Jacinta and Francisco that Pope Benedict XVI made his first Pastoral Visit to Portugal. S+L Vatican Correspondent Alicia Ambrosio ...
Adeus Santo Padre!
Alessia Domanico
May 14, 2010
Pope Benedict’s four day Apostolic Visit to Portugal has come to an end.  The trip was comprised of 13 major events, three open-air Masses and an estimated one million participants overall. The Holy Father set forth on his visit to promote the evangelization and missionary work that needs to be done on behalf of the ...
At Mass in Porto, Pope invites faithful to become witnesses of Christ’s resurrection
Alessia Domanico
May 14, 2010
The city of Porto was the last stop on Pope Benedict XVI’s Apostolic Voyage to Portugal. Porto is located in the north of Portugal and is the  country’s second largest metropolitan city  after Lisbon. The Holy Father arrived at the airport via helicopter this morning from Fatima where he was greeted by the Bishop of ...
Were not our hearts burning within us?: Young converts to Catholicism share their stories on this Friday’s Perspectives
Jenna Murphy
May 14, 2010
If you weren’t born Catholic would you have found your way to the Church? It’s hard to say. Ask most converts to the faith and they will tell you they didn’t see conversion in their immediate future. But, as we will hear tonight, the Holy Spirit sure does move in mysterious ways! This Friday on ...
Pope tells Bishops of Portugal to be “first evangelizers.”
Matthew Harrison
May 13, 2010
At a meeting at Fatima’s “Casa Nossa Senhora do Carmo” today, Pope Benedict encouraged his brother bishops to be “first evangelizers.” This role calls on Bishops to: … understand the diverse social and cultural factors, to evaluate their spiritual deficiencies and to utilize effectively your pastoral resources; what is decisive, however, is the ability to ...
Pope in Fatima: defending life and marriage is essential to building the civilization of love
Matthew Harrison
May 13, 2010
Pope Benedict XVI has told 9000 representatives of pastoral and social organizations in Portugal that defending life and marriage is essential to building the civilization of love. The groups gathered at the Church of the Most Holy Trinity in Fatima today. The Holy Father expressed his “deep appreciation” for the initiatives that combat the: … ...
“Walk with Christ for Truth,” says Archbishop of Ottawa at Mass Before March for Life
Salt + Light Media
May 13, 2010
Today, thousands will gather on Parliament Hill in Ottawa for Canada’s annual National March for Life. It’s a time of prayer, reflection, and witness to the dignity and sanctity of life.  Prior to gathering on the Hill, Mass is celebrated by Archbishop Terrence Prendergast SJ at the Cathedral Basilica of Notre Dame.  The following is ...
500,000 gather in Fatima for the Celebration of Mass
Alessia Domanico
May 13, 2010
An estimated 500,000 pilgrims were present this morning for Mass at the Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima in Portugal. It was a sunny and warm morning there, despite the forecast of possible rain.  163 different pilgrim groups from 33 different countries were confirmed as participants for today’s Mass. Thousands of others arrived on foot, ...