Allow “Let it be done to me” resound in our lives, says Pope
Matthew Harrison
May 12, 2010
As many as 40-thousand pilgrims gathered at the Esplanade of the Shrine of Fatima to pray the rosary with Pope Benedict XVI.  A sea of candles pierced the dark Fatima sky as the Holy Father led in the recitation of the glorious mysteries.  He was providing an excellent witness of prayer; an act that he ...
Priests and Religious join Holy Father in Vespers and Consecration
Alessia Domanico
May 12, 2010
Pope Benedict arrived in Fatima by helicopter this afternoon where he was received by the Bishop of Leiria-Fatima and other local Catholic authorities and dignitaries. He then proceeded to the Shrine of Fatima in his Popemobile. An estimated 40,000 pilgrims greeted the Pope upon his arrival. His first stop was to the Chapel of Apparitions, ...
The Kingdom of God belongs to such as these
Jenna Murphy
May 12, 2010
We often hear it said in the spiritual life that to become childlike is to draw near to the kingdom of God. Last night, I had the privilege of attending a Children of Hope evening of Eucharistic Adoration and I feel like I understand why one must be like a child to sit at the ...
Encounter with the World of Culture: The Pope calls for the broadening of horizons and human engagement
Alessia Domanico
May 12, 2010
The Pope met with Portuguese  academics, artists and others involved in cultural work this morning at the Cultural Centre of Belem in Lisbon.  The Centre is the largest building with cultural facilities in Portugal. The Pope was given a brief musical performance and then greeted with a speech from Manoel de Oliveria, a renowned Portuguese ...
Lasting joy comes only from Christ says Pope to thousands gathered for Mass in Lisbon
Alessia Domanico
May 11, 2010
Pope Benedict celebrated the first Mass of his Apostolic Visit to Portugal this evening in Lisbon’s Terreiro do Paço. The beautiful and sacred celebration of Mass was set against the picturesque backdrop of the Atlantic Ocean. The sun was just beginning its descent as the Mass progressed with over 100 boats lining the nearby coast. ...
Portugal welcomes Pope, Holy Father addresses abuse scandal
Alessia Domanico
May 11, 2010
Pope Benedict XVI began his four day journey to Portugal this morning.  He arrived in Lisbon at 11 am local time to a formal reception at the airport where he was greeted by a choir of  30 singing children from the music academy of St. Cecily. The children performed the official welcoming hymn written in ...
S+L Coverage of Pope in Portugal Begins Tuesday Morning
Matthew Harrison
May 10, 2010
The faithful of Portugal will have a special guest when they celebrate the feast of Our Lady of Fatima this year. From Tuesday, May 11th to Friday, May 14th, Pope Benedict XVI will journey to Portugal. He’ll mark the 93rd anniversary of the apparitions of Fátima, the 68th anniversary of consecration of the world to ...
May 8, 2010
Salt + Light Media
May 8, 2010
[singlepic id=62 w=150 h=113 float=right] Judy Savoy is a Christian Speaker, actress and comedian who brings a truck-load of laughs in order to present a meaningful message. We’ll be speaking to her tonight on S+L Radio and Lorraine Hartsook returns as our featured artist of the week. ...
Swiss Guards swear in new recruits
Alicia Ambrosio
May 7, 2010
As Alessia Domanico reported on Perspectives on May 6th, the Swiss Guards are thirty stronger, having sworn in their new recruits. In an elaborate ceremony, the Swiss Guards corps officially installed their latest recruits. The ceremony takes place every year on the 6th of May, the anniversary of the Sack of Rome. On that day ...
Tonight on Perspectives: Is it fair that Ontario has a publicly-funded Catholic school system?
Jenna Murphy
May 7, 2010
When I moved to Ontario from Nova Scotia in 2007, Catholic schools were a totally new concept for me. Until setting up camp in Ontario, those plaid little numbers were relegated to movies and to Britney Spears music videos. The more I learn about the Ontario Catholic School Board, however, the more I realize that ...