Pope speaks on U.S. gun violence, abortion debate, retirement rumors
Junno Arocho Esteves, Catholic News Service
July 12, 2022
Pope Francis speaks in an interview about President Joe Biden, gun violence in the U.S., and his tentative post-retirement plans - if the time comes. ...
Encore SLHour: Habits for Holiness, World Youth Days, and Other Conversations
Salt + Light Media
July 9, 2022
This week, we learn good habits for achieving holiness, talk about all things World Youth Day, and meet the musicians Alverlis and Village Lights. ...
Arkansas Catholics are among 5,000 extras filmed for ‘Chosen’ episode
Aprille Hanson Spivey, Catholic News Service
July 8, 2022
Catholics from Arkansas share about their experience participating as extras in the Feeding of the 5000 for the popular show 'The Chosen'. ...
Women’s voices: Pope says he’ll add women to Dicastery for Bishops
Cindy Wooden, Catholic News Service
July 6, 2022
Pope Francis said he plans to name two women to the committee that helps him choose bishops for the world's Latin-rite dioceses. ...
“Your children are dropping like flies!” | Everyday Miracles
Fr. Christopher M. Pietraszko
July 6, 2022
When Fr. Christopher leads a group of students in Adoration, he prays for the Holy Spirit to come upon them – with dramatic results. ...
In interview, pope condemns abortion, says he’s not resigning
Cindy Wooden, Catholic News Service
July 5, 2022
In a wide-ranging interview with Reuters, Pope Francis discussed abortion, rumours about his resignation, and a potential visit to Russia and Ukraine. ...
Encore SLHour: Do Muslims and Christians Worship the Same God and Other Great Conversations
Salt + Light Media
July 2, 2022
Emily Wilson Hussem talks about becoming the woman you were created to be, and Andy Banister discusses whether Christians and Muslims worship the same God. ...
Pope Francis’ Prayer Intention for July 2022
Salt + Light Media
June 30, 2022
We join Pope Francis in praying that the experience and wisdom of the elderly may help young people to look towards the future with hope and responsibility. ...
God’s plans for this summer | Love Digest
Julian Paparella
June 30, 2022
School’s out and summer is here! It's a good time to ask: What are God’s plans for this summer? How does He want you to grow and flourish? ...
Catholics need better understanding of the Mass, pope says
Cindy Wooden, Catholic News Service
June 29, 2022
In a new apostolic letter, "Desiderio Desideravi", Pope Francis emphasizes the importance of a better understanding of Vatican II's liturgical reform. ...