CNS Vatican Report: Beyond the First Five Years
Matthew Harrison
April 30, 2010
Last week Pope Benedict XVI celebrated the fifth year of his pontificate. What does the future hold? Catholic News Service’s Carol Glatz and John Thavis look ahead in this week’s Vatican Report. To download Flash Player please click here ...
S+L in Rome: Juventus and the Archbishop of Ottawa… in Turin
Alicia Ambrosio
April 29, 2010
Monday, April 26th, I was dispatched to Turin, Italy to do some preview work for our coverage of Holy Father’s upcoming trip, and to write an article or two for Catholic News Service. Let’s skip the part about missing the train by two seconds, and fast forward to when I actually got to Turin. It ...
Churches of Africa and Asia lead growth of Catholicism worldwide
Matthew Harrison
April 27, 2010
If you’re reading this, chances are you’re one of the 1.166 billion Catholics in the world. 1.166 billion! According to the Vatican Publishing House that is the world Catholic population. The numbers have been published in the Statistical Yearbook of the Church, and the data is based on the time period between the years 2000 ...
“I exhort you to walk the roads of the digital continent, animated by the courage of the Holy Spirit” – Pope Benedict to media conference
Jenna Murphy
April 26, 2010
Over the weekend, Pope Benedict XVI addressed the participants of a national conference in Rome entitled “Digital Witnesses: Faces and Languages in the Cross-Media Age”. This is not the first time that the Holy Father has addressed the double-edged sword nature of the internet and social networking. The Holy Father urged his listeners to overcome ...
US Bishops launch website for vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life
Matthew Harrison
April 26, 2010
The United States Bishops’ Secretariat of Clergy, Consecrated Life and Vocations launched a new website yesterday promoting vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life.  Appropriately, the launch came on on Good Shepherd Sunday, which is the World Day of Prayer for Vocations. ForYourVocation.org has two goals: To help individuals hear and respond to the call ...
“Witness Awakens Vocations” focus of this year’s World Day of Prayer for Vocations
Matthew Harrison
April 23, 2010
This Sunday is Good Shepherd Sunday.  As Fr. Rosica explained in this week’s Biblical Reflection, all three liturgical cycles for the Fourth Sunday of Easter offer “a passage from John’s Gospel about the Good Shepherd.”  Traditionally the Church has also identified this Sunday as the World Day of Prayer for Vocations.  Pope Benedict XVI’s message ...
CNS Vatican Report: The Pope’s Trip to Malta
Matthew Harrison
April 22, 2010
At this week’s general audience Pope Benedict XVI discussed his Apostolic Journey to Malta.  The Holy Father recounted the events he participated in over the two-days, including his moving meeting with abuse victims: “I shared with them their suffering and, overwhelmed, I prayed with them, assuring them of the Church’s action.” He also highlighted the ...
This Saturday, Nothing More Beautiful: Jesus Christ — Crucified and Risen Lord
Matthew Harrison
April 21, 2010
The latest encounter of Nothing More Beautiful focused on the theme of “Jesus Christ: Crucified and Risen Lord.” Vancouver’s Archbishop Michael Miller provides the catechesis talk.  Ordained to the priesthood by Pope Paul VI in 1975, he became the Archbishop of Vancouver in January 2009.  In addition to working in Rome in the area of ...
CNS: Pope Benedict the Communicator
Matthew Harrison
April 21, 2010
As Pope Benedict XVI celebrates the fifth anniversary of his Papacy this week, Catholic News Service takes a look at the Holy Father as a communicator. John Thavis reports from Rome. To download Flash Player please click here ...
Catholic Focus: Euthanizing Medicine
Mary Rose Bacani Valenti
April 20, 2010
What is euthanasia really about?  Dignity?  Compassion?  Human rights?  Or is it something else altogether? We need to find the answer because the euthanasia debate is heating up again!  In an interview with the newspaper Le Devoir a few days ago, Bloc-Québécois Member of Parliament Francine Lalonde explained that the Euthanasia bill C-384 will have ...