“The mob should lay off” – Pope defended in the Guardian
Kris Dmytrenko
April 15, 2010
Jack Valero, a senior representative of Opus Dei, is defending the record of Pope Benedict in the pages of The Guardian. Valero addresses then-Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger’s handling of laicization cases, including his efforts to more strongly enforce abuse investigations by bringing them under the purview of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in ...
Extensive S+L coverage of Pope’s visit to Malta this weekend
Matthew Harrison
April 15, 2010
Pope Benedict XVI embarks on his first of five Apostolic Voyages for 2010 this weekend. Before he heads to Portugal, Cyprus, Britain, and Spain, he starts it all off with Malta. The visit will celebrate the 1,950th anniversary of St. Paul’s shipwreck on the island that, according to tradition, occurred in the year 60 A.D., ...
National Post visits S+L: “Secure in their faith, in love with the Church, but frustrated as hell”
Kris Dmytrenko
April 14, 2010
On Tuesday, S+L’s production team was visited by Charlie Lewis, lead religion reporter for the National Post. Lewis asked each of us, as young Catholics in the media, how we feel about the Church’s response to the clergy sexual abuse crisis, as well as how we’ve perceived the sometimes questionable mainstream media coverage. Today on ...
April’s Lectio Divina Has the Goods
Matthew Harrison
April 14, 2010
Archbishop Collins continues his reflections on the parables of Jesus in Lectio Divina with Archbishop Thomas Collins.  In April, Toronto’s chief shepherd meditates on two parables: the rich fool and the faithful and wise steward found in Luke (Luke 12:13-21, 35-48). The story of the rich fool details the account of the young man who ...
Shining armour no, but shining examples? A resounding yes!
Jenna Murphy
April 13, 2010
As if the lovely Sisters of Life retreat weren’t enough, when all of the other retreatants boarded trains to go home, the Salt + Light “retreat team” began ironing our Sunday best in preparation for a visit to the Knights of Columbus Supreme Council headquarters in New Haven, Connecticut. “I don’t know how to ask ...
Catholic Commentator Phil Lawler: Journalists abandon standards to attack the Pope
Salt + Light Media
April 12, 2010
Catholic commentator and director of CatholicCulture.org Phil Lawler has an excellent counter to the Associated Press story that was circulated last Friday about an Oakland abuse case.  See below: Journalists abandon standards to attack the Pope By Phil Lawler We’re off and running once again, with another completely phony story that purports to implicate Pope ...
Euthanizing Medicine
Mary Rose Bacani Valenti
April 12, 2010
The euthanasia (or the “right to die with dignity”) issue has been rearing its head in Canada for the past 20 years. The issue has already gone, unsuccessfully, before the Supreme Court of Canada. Bill C-384, introduced by Bloc Québécois MP Francine Lalonde to the Parliament of Canada, is the latest attempt. Even the Quebec ...
April 10, 2010
Salt + Light Media
April 10, 2010
[singlepic id=58 w=150 h=108 float=right] Once again Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide is being discussed in the Canadian Parliament. But it’s not just being debated in Parliament. This week on S+L Radio we speak to 13 year-old Lia Mills who last year tackled the subject of abortion for her school speech. This year she speaks on ...
Perspectives: What is a real man?
Jenna Murphy
April 9, 2010
This week our Perspectives question of the week was: “What is a real man?” I had significant hesitations with taking this question to the streets not only because I knew men wouldn’t be thrilled to reveal the innermost secrets of their masculine heart on a corner in downtown Toronto (and to a woman, no less), ...
In light of the clerical abuse scandal Fr Radcliffe asks “Should I stay or should I go?”
Salt + Light Media
April 9, 2010
England based Catholic review The Tablet published an interesting article by Fr. Timothy Radcliffe, OP, addressing the clerical-abuse scandal, that we share with you below.  You may also want to view Salt + Light Television CEO Fr. Thomas Rosica’s 2005 Witness interview with the Dominican priest HERE. Should I stay or should I go? Clerical-abuse ...