Saskatoon Episcopal Ordination Streamed Live Online This Evening
Matthew Harrison
March 25, 2010
Salt + Light Television is pleased to bring viewers the live online webcast of the Episcopal Ordination of Monsignor Donald Bolen this evening. Our webcast begins with a pre-recorded interview with Bishop-Elect Bolen at 8pm ET/6pm MDT, followed by ordination coverage at 8:45pm ET/6:45pm MDT. Over my years as a priest, I’ve been called to ...
Salt + Light Brings You Full Schedule of Papal Events
Matthew Harrison
March 24, 2010
As many of our parish priests can attest to Holy Week marks one of the busiest times of the year — and of course this is no different for the Bishop of Rome. Tomorrow, March 25th, marks the beginning of a number of major events that Pope Benedict is participating in, including a meeting with ...
Prayers for Saskatoon’s New Bishop
Gillian Kantor
March 23, 2010
As Salt + Light prepares to travel to Saskatoon, Saskatchewan for the Episcopal Ordination of Monsignor Donald Bolen, we invite you to share with us your thoughts and prayers for him. As laity, we can only imagine both the great responsibility and humility that comes with this call of leadership and service. But as faithful ...
40 Days for Life Campaign Drawing to a Close
Matthew Harrison
March 22, 2010
With Holy Week just days away, our 40 day sojourn through Lent is drawing to a close — and this Sunday, the 40 Days for Life Campaign is as well. As Pedro shared with you back on Ash Wednesday, 40 Days for Life is a campaign of prayer and fasting for an end to abortion.  ...
Tweets from the Holy Spirit?
Matthew Harrison
March 22, 2010
Okay, it’s a bit of a stretch — but as Catholics we believe the Church is guided by the Holy Spirit, correct?  And considering that the Holy Spirit is often personified as a dove and the popular social networking service Twitter uses a bird as part of their branding (the idea of a ‘twittering,’ or ...
Holy See Press Office Director’s Conference on the Pope’s Pastoral Letter
Alicia Ambrosio
March 20, 2010
At 10am this morning, Rome time, media accredited to the Holy See received a copy of the Pope’s letter to Irish Catholics. Vatican spokesman, Fr. Federico Lombardi, SJ held a press briefing at 11am in the Holy See Press Hall. The letter was to be released to the public at 12:00 pm (Rome time). Journalists ...
“One more instalment of the remorseless insult-hurling at Catholics”: Murphy on Hitchens Article
Salt + Light Media
March 20, 2010
On Friday, we shared the response by the CCCB to some articles in Canadian newspapers regarding clergy sexual abuse.  One of the papers cited was the National Post.  In the Saturday edition of the Post, CBC personality Rex Murphy offered a response to one of the offending articles: Bluster masquerading as reason A sexual abuse ...
March 20, 2010
Salt + Light Media
March 20, 2010
[singlepic id=56 w=145 h=207 float=right] Last Wednesday, Irish and non-Irish around the world celebrated the feast of St. Patrick, the one saint whose feast day is remembered by non-religious people all over. This week on S+L Radio we speak to Tim Campbell, Director of the St. Patrick Centre and our featured artist of the week ...
Pastoral Letter of the Holy Father to Catholics of Ireland
Salt + Light Media
March 20, 2010
[Signed at the Vatican on the feast of St. Joseph, March 19th, Pope Benedict’s letter to the Catholics of Ireland was released today, Saturday March 20th in Rome.  What follows is the official text of the document.  Visit the Vatican website for more resources.] PASTORAL LETTER OF THE HOLY FATHER POPE BENEDICT XVI TO THE ...
Summary of the Pope’s Pastoral Letter to the Catholics of Ireland
Salt + Light Media
March 20, 2010
The Pope has written a Pastoral Letter to all the Catholics of Ireland, expressing his dismay at the sexual abuse of young people by Church representatives and the way this was addressed by local bishops and religious superiors. He asks that the Letter be read with attention and in its entirety. The Holy Father speaks ...