CNS Vatican Report: A Look at L’Osservatore Romano
Matthew Harrison
March 13, 2010
Many of our viewers and blog readers will have probably heard us quote from the Vatican Newspaper L’Osservatore Romano. On this week’s Catholic News Service Vatican Report, Carol Glatz and John Thavis take a look at the newspaper, and the shift that has occurred there in the last five years. To download Flash Player please ...
Overcoming Christian division in the Holy Land
Kris Dmytrenko
March 12, 2010
The Christian Churches in the Holy Land are often characterized as intractably, scandalously divided. The impression is not without reason, as evidenced by the embarrassing 2008 skirmishes between Greek Orthodox and Armenian Orthodox monks in Jerusalem’s Holy Sepulchre—the church recognized as the site of Calvary and Jesus’ empty tomb. It would be wrong, however, to ...
Perspectives: “Prayer is to accept being a non-orphan” says Br.Émile of the Taizé Community
Jenna Murphy
March 12, 2010
Last week we posted the question: “Does prayer require effort?” As is the case every week, we anticipated uniformity in our answers but were surprised at the diversity (and thoughtfulness) in the responses. One such thoughtful answer came to us from Haiku Hamu who asks: “Is there ever any genuine value in the things that ...
“Union with the Catholic Church is the goal of ecumenism” — Cardinal Levada’s official text
Kris Dmytrenko
March 12, 2010
On Monday, the S+L blog published an unofficial transcript of Cardinal William Levada’s address on the Vatican’s outreach to Anglicans. His talk attracted a great deal of attention due to the rarity of a visit to Canada by this high-ranking Curial Cardinal. However, the speech was particularly significant given that the office he charges, the ...
From Prairie Priest to Bishop
Gillian Kantor
March 12, 2010
There’s just something about people from the prairies. Maybe it is the familiarity, and the feeling that everyone is a neighbour. Or it is the humility that comes from knowing their place under the grandeur of the endless sky. Perhaps it is the gentleness of the people who see life begin with just one kernel ...
Cardinal Levada’s Homily from Mass in Ottawa
Salt + Light Media
March 11, 2010
As we reported on Perspectives and throughout the blog, Cardinal William Levada, the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, was visiting Ottawa and Kingston, Ontario earlier this week.  His celebration of Mass at Ottawa’s Notre Dame Cathedral Basilica will be broadcast on Salt + Light tonight, March 11th, at 8:30pm ET/9:30pm ...
Let Your Life Speak… Vocation Alive!
Mary Rose Bacani Valenti
March 10, 2010
From Sunday to Wednesday, March 14-17th, Toronto will be hosting the national vocation and formation conference at the Courtyard Marriott in downtown Toronto.  It is an event organized by the National Association of Vocation and Formation Directors (or NAVFD), and they expect close to 200 religious and lay participants from Canada and the US.  The ...
Learning from the example of Dr. Therese of Lisieux
Jeroen Van Der Biezen
March 10, 2010
These days it’s easy to be discouraged reading the news about never-ending scandals popping up here and there, or about the shortcomings of various role models, or the interviews of well-known people criticizing one another, and so on. I’m sure that we all can think of examples and that we all recognize an overwhelming flow ...
Vatican Releases Statement on Sex Abuse Cases
Alicia Ambrosio
March 9, 2010
It’s been a horrible week at the Vatican, and it’s only Tuesday. Last week, German bishops addressed claims that youth had been sexually abused by clergy in various Catholic schools. News surfaced that boys had been abused at an institution in Regensburg where Msgr. Georg Ratzinger, the Pope’s brother, had later been choirmaster. Press reports ...
Those Cold, Windy, Rainy, Beautiful Roman Days
Alicia Ambrosio
March 9, 2010
It’s a grey, cold, windy, rainy day in Rome… and I think it’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen! This is officially day five that I’ve been here as S+L’s Vatican Correspondent. I am now officially accredited to the Holy See Press Office. It only took four days, three paper clips, two photos, and ...