Of Men and Medals
Dave LeRoss
March 2, 2010
I could hear the roar of the crowd even before I stepped out of my apartment building. The celebration for Canada’s final gold medal was in full swing on Yonge Street in downtown Toronto. I could hardly contain my own excitement as I rushed towards Dundas Square, camera in hand, to join the revelry that ...
The Triumph Behind the 2010 Winter Olympics
Mary Rose Bacani Valenti
March 1, 2010
They seem at odds, don’t they? Christianity that encourages us to foster virtue – everything that’s nice and sweet, gentle and kind; versus Olympic ambition (supplemented by the Own the Podium program) that encourages our athletes to go for gold, to win, win, win! Own the Podium has been criticized as un-Canadian, as rude, as ...
Pope Prays for Chile and Iraqi Christians & March’s Papal Intentions
Matthew Harrison
March 1, 2010
Pope Benedict XVI offered prayers at his Sunday Angelus Address yesterday for Chile. A 8.8 magnitude earthquake hit the South American nation on Saturday.  At least 700 have been killed, half-a-million homes destroyed, and 1.5 million people affected. “My thought goes out to Chile and the populations affected by the earthquake, which caused numerous losses ...
February 27, 2010
Salt + Light Media
February 27, 2010
[singlepic id=52 w=145 h=186 float=right] Canada is on its way to getting a new Saint: The Holy Father has approved the canonization of 6 blesseds, among them Brother Andre, of Montreal, well known for the healings at St. Joseph’s Oratory. This week on Salt + Light Radio we speak to Fr. Charles Corso at St. ...
Perspectives: Recipe for Sainthood?
Jenna Murphy
February 26, 2010
Since Perspectives’ debut last month, a painstaking amount of thought has gone into each Question of the Week. In fact, as soon as we are finished filming the Friday show, we conduct an office-wide poll on which question should be featured on the next week’s episode. I am always surprised by how much discussion is ...
CNS Vatican Report: A Lenten Retreat for the Pope
Matthew Harrison
February 26, 2010
The Pope has been participating in spiritual exercises with the Roman Curia this week.  Catholic News Service’s Cindy Wooden and John Thavis report on the Holy Father’s annual Lenten retreat. To download Flash Player please click here ...
The Catholic Faith: Why is it Worth Passing On?
Mary Rose Bacani Valenti
February 24, 2010
If you have this question, then the Ottawa event on Monday, March 8th, may be just the thing for you.  Cardinal William Joseph Levada will be speaking at Notre Dame Cathedral Basilica on Sussex Drive in Ottawa.  True to his role as Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, his talk is ...
The First Chair in Bioethics in Eastern Europe: In conversation with Dr. Yury Monczak
Mary Rose Bacani Valenti
February 23, 2010
On Sunday, February 28th, Dr. Yury Monczak, PhD, will be speaking about the first-ever Chair in Bioethics at the Ukrainian Catholic University.  Dr. Monczak is the Director of Molecular Pathology at the SMBD Jewish General Hospital and Assistant Professor at McGill University in Montreal.  He will be speaking at the residence of the Ukrainian Church ...
And the winner is….
Alicia Ambrosio
February 23, 2010
As I mentioned in my blog post this past Friday, this weekend marked the start of the 2010 Clericus Cup soccer tournament in Rome, a unique tournament for seminarians and priests living in Rome. On Saturday morning, on the field of the Pontifical Oratory of St. Peter, the team from the Neocatcechumenal Way’s Redemptoris Mater ...
Catholic Focus: Behind the Scenes of Fountain of Love and Life
Mary Rose Bacani Valenti
February 22, 2010
As I mentioned in my January 20th blog on the Open House of Fountain of Love and Life, I’m working on a Catholic Focus episode on this great Chinese programming ministry featured on Salt + Light Television. In this episode, you’ll see clips on the history, impact, and joy-filled message behind the work that this ...