February 20, 2010
Salt + Light Media
February 20, 2010
[singlepic id=51 w=145 h=134 float=right]Thousands of aid money is flooding into Haiti – people are encouraged to send donations of supplies and many have even volunteered to go down and help – today we speak to a translator who came up with an idea to use Facebook to help Haitians and we speak with our ...
Tiger in the confessional
Kris Dmytrenko
February 20, 2010
The queue recedes quicker than you hoped for, but you’re ready. You clutch a folded list to ensure you don’t forget the painfully exhumed results of a thorough examination of conscience, not that you can very well read it in the dark of the confessional. When your turn comes, you pull back the heavy, velvet ...
Soccer season kicks off…..at the Vatican?
Alicia Ambrosio
February 20, 2010
Just after being appointed the Vatican’s Secretary of State, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone was interviewed about his love of sport, specifically soccer. He made headlines when he said he hoped the Vatican could one day have it’s very own FIFA recognized soccer team. The media attention grew when it was discovered that the Vatican City State ...
The Vancouver Winter Olympics: Clayton on Location!
Mary Rose Bacani Valenti
February 19, 2010
As of today, we are on Day 8 of the Vancouver Winter Olympics.  I know we’re all excited about our amazing athletes and all the medals we’re winning, but how about the Catholics ministering to the public at large in Vancouver right now? Go to www.claytonimoo.com and you’ll meet Clayton Imoo, Director of Youth Ministry ...
A Day in A Life: The Carmel of St. Joseph
Deacon Pedro
February 19, 2010
Nestled on the outskirts of the tiny community of St. Agatha, Ontario lies the Carmel of St. Joseph, the home of a cloistered, contemplative community of Carmelite Nuns. They observe their vows of poverty, chastity and obedience in joy, and direct their lives toward prayer and the contemplation of the things of God. A few ...
Brother André: PM Among Those Offering Congratulations on Brother André’s Declaration
Matthew Harrison
February 19, 2010
Prime Minister Stephen Harper welcomed news from the Vatican this morning that Brother André Bessette, CSC, will be declared a saint on October 17th 2010. “Brother André’s life shows us the power of faith and the importance of concern for the sick and others in need.” read a statement from the Prime Minister’s office, “In ...
“It’s Lent and I still don’t know what to give up!”
Jenna Murphy
February 19, 2010
I’m seeing more than a few Facebook statuses that indicate many of my friends and family members are still undecided on how they will enter into the spirit of the Lent. If you fall into this category, or even if you are looking to be inspired on how to bolster your existing Lenten regimen, tune ...
Brother André: Canonization Date Set
Matthew Harrison
February 19, 2010
The Catholic Church in Canada will have another saint to call its own come this fall. There was no doubting the holiness of Blessed André Bessette, CSC, but come Sunday, October 17th, the Miracle Man of Montreal will be officially recognized as a Saint by the universal Church. The date was announced in Rome today ...
CNS Vatican Report: The Vatican and Sports
Matthew Harrison
February 19, 2010
With the Winter Olympics underway in Vancouver, Catholic News Service takes a look at the Church and sports. John Thavis and Carol Glatz report. To download Flash Player please click here ...
Got Oil?
Matthew Harrison
February 19, 2010
The old Milk campaign slogan from years ago came to mind at this month’s Lectio Divina. Archbishop Thomas Collins reflects on the parable of the ten maidens (Matthew 25:1-13).  This of course is the parable in which oil is a hot commodity — and five of the lasses are without!  When they leave to get ...