It’s Time to Share
Mary Rose Bacani Valenti
February 18, 2010
Go to www.stgianna.ca and you’ll meet a parish community that’s very much alive in the faith.  Surprisingly, this St. Gianna parish community in Winnipeg has not had a church building they can call their own since they had their first Mass in 2004.  On their website, you’ll see a video of their church building in ...
40 Days During Lent
Deacon Pedro
February 17, 2010
Once again, the 40 Days for Life campaign has begun in 167 cities across the U. S., as well as cities in Canada, Northern Ireland and Australia. In Canada, this time around, it’s taking place in Calgary, Edmonton, Red Deer, Kelowna, BC, Guelph, Toronto and Montreal. In Toronto, the campaign kicked-off last night with guest ...
My Lenten Reminder
Matthew Harrison
February 17, 2010
Our Catholic faith is rich with many signs and symbols. Of significance today is of course the ashes and cross that mark the beginning of the season of Lent.  As the sign of the cross is made on our forehead we are reminded that we are “dust and unto dust you shall return.”  Our humanity, ...
Olympic Gold
Alessia Domanico
February 16, 2010
After a 33 year dry spell, Canada has its first gold medal on home soil thanks to the efforts of freestyle skier Alexandre Bilodeau. However, the overzealous enthusiasm that followed Bioldeau’s win has hurt our national image as host among the other countries present at the 2010 Winter Games. The media has a responsibility to ...
Pope to Mark Ash Wednesday with Procession and Mass
Matthew Harrison
February 16, 2010
Pope Benedict XVI begins Lent with an ancient Roman Ash Wednesday tradition. The Holy Father will preside over a penitential procession from the Basilica of St. Anselm to the the Basilica of St. Sabina, where he will celebrate Holy Mass and the blessing and imposition of Ashes. Join Salt + Light’s Pedro Guevara Mann and ...
Time For Moms
Gillian Kantor
February 15, 2010
Many mothers know the value of a time out for their little ones – a few minutes for a rangy toddler to sit, calm down, think about the action that led them to the time out in the first place, and start again. But do many mothers know the value of a time out for ...
February 13, 2010
Salt + Light Media
February 13, 2010
[singlepic id=49 w=145 h=145 float=right]The whole world has come to the aid of Haiti – with relief concerts and fundraisers, special programs and campaigns. A group of Catholic artists also have come forth with a compilation album to support the victims of Haiti. Tonight on S+L Radio we learn about AfterMassRecords and we speak with ...
Brother André: Canadian and Australian blesseds step closer to sainthood
Kris Dmytrenko
February 12, 2010
My morning routine always begins by checking the Holy See Press Office’s Bollettino, or its English counterpart, the Vatican Information Service. While not all of the communiqués seem relevant to my work—bishop appointments to Switzerland, the creation of a new diocese in Malaysia—other announcements can be electrifying. Like today, the Vatican hinted at the imminent ...
CNS Vatican Report: The Church and Healthcare Ministry
Matthew Harrison
February 12, 2010
Recorded on the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes and the World Day of the Sick, February 11th, this week’s Vatican Report looks at the Catholic Church’s involvement in healthcare. Catholic News Service’s John Thavis and Cindy Wooden report. To view this video you need the latest version of Flash Player ...
Catholic Focus: Higher, Faster, Stronger
Alicia Ambrosio
February 12, 2010
As the eyes of the world turn to Vancouver to see who will fly higher, finish with the fastest time, break the most records and win the most medals, the eyes of Salt+Light have turned to the Vancouver Olympics to see how the Church is rising to this unprecedented occasion. It turns out the entire ...