Causes for Two Popes and a Canadian Brother Advance
Michelle Gautreau
December 21, 2009
As seen on the Monday, December 21st edition of Zoom, Pope Benedict elevated John Paul II and Pius XII to the status of “venerable” on Saturday, moving the two popes closer to beatification. These were two of 21 decrees made public by the Congregation for the Causes of the Saints. The Holy Father confirmed a ...
Il Divo: Live at the Coliseum, on S+L
Mary Rose Bacani Valenti
December 21, 2009
I’m probably one of the few people who’ve never heard of Il Divo. When I watched “Il Divo: Live at the Coliseum,” I really could not believe my ears (and my eyes!). Here are four men from four different parts of the world singing with such powerful operatic voices. Not only are they spectacular singers, ...
December 19, 2009
Salt + Light Media
December 19, 2009
[singlepic id=40 w=144 h=128 float=right] HPV is a sexually transmitted disease that in many cases leads to cancer of the cervix – there is a new vaccine that is now being offered to grade 7 girls in schools across Ontario, but many are not sure this is the way to go. Tonight on S+L Radio ...
Operation Just Cause
Deacon Pedro
December 19, 2009
Exactly 20 years ago I was at a nightclub in Panama, where I had gone to spend my Christmas holidays. I had just gone for dinner with my brother and his new girlfriend and gone to watch the movie Sea of Love, with Al Pacino. Just after midnight, the owner of the club shut the ...
Lectio Divina this Sunday: “The last will be first, and the first last”
Matthew Harrison
December 18, 2009
A parable sandwich? That’s the case, Archbishop Collins explains, with the parable that is featured at this month’s Lectio Divina. The parable of the laborers in the vineyard, from Matthew 19:29-20:16, is sandwiched between the phrase “the last will be first, and the first last.” And so Archbishop Collins reflects upon what our Lord is ...
Concert and Conversation with The Priests, this Weekend on S+L
Deacon Pedro
December 17, 2009
Many of you joined us at St. Paul’s Basilica in Toronto for an evening with The Priests. If you’re not in Toronto or if you missed the live webcast, you can tune in this Sunday, December 20th, at 9:30pm ET for Harmony: An Evening with The Priests. The concert will repeat on Monday, December 21st ...
Nothing More Beautiful: Jesus Christ: The Way, Truth, and Life
Matthew Harrison
December 16, 2009
It’s the second season of Nothing More Beautiful, and through catechesis and witness talks this initiative of the Archdiocese of Edmonton is inviting viewers to encounter anew the beauty of Christ! The latest encounter of this season focuses on the theme of Jesus Christ: The Way, Truth, and Life. The basic thing about being a ...
Catholic Focus: The Light of the East
Mary Rose Bacani Valenti
December 15, 2009
At least one year ago, I participated in one of the most meaningful liturgies I’ve ever been to in my life, at St. Elias Ukrainian Catholic Church in Brampton, Ontario. I remember going with excitement, because the architecture and iconography in these Eastern Churches are just incredible. “Heaven on earth” as a description of Eastern ...
Advent and Christmas Greetings from Canadian Bishops
Matthew Harrison
December 14, 2009
As heard on the Monday, December 14th edition of Zoom, the president of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops is reminding the faithful to keep focused on Christ this time of year. In the CCCB’s Christmas message, Bishop Pierre Morissette writes: When we find ourselves caught up in decorations and advertisements, God invites us to ...
An Advent Reflection on Rejoicing
Father Chris Valka
December 14, 2009
[This blog comes from Fr. Chris Valka, CSB. During his theological studies in Toronto, Fr. Valka worked with us at Salt and Light Television. He is now teaching at Catholic Central High School in Detroit, Michigan.] One of the things I have learned as I have traveled around from one assignment to the other is ...