December 12, 2009
Salt + Light Media
December 12, 2009
[singlepic id=39 w=145 h=154 float=right] I’m sure that by now you’ve heard of The Priests, Fathers Eugene and Martin O’Hagan and Father David Delargy, the three Irish singing priests who are taking the world by storm. They join us this week on S+L Radio to talk about their new album Harmony. Kris Dmytrenko is back ...
Viva la Guadalupana!
Deacon Pedro
December 12, 2009
Today is December 12th and the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe – a huge feast for Latin-Americans (and as we learned on S+L Radio last week, Filipinos too). This feast day was always a big one in my life, as my Parish in Panama was called Our Lady of Guadalupe. I wrote about this ...
342 Beads of Hope
Mary Rose Bacani Valenti
December 11, 2009
Within the past year, Rachel and her family have given me a beautiful red necklace with a matching bracelet, and a crystal necklace with an accompanying crystal/pearl bracelet. I love wearing these and when I do, I pass by Rachel’s grandfather’s workstation in the Master Control room of Salt + Light Television. Antonio always gives ...
Canada welcomes a new apostolic nuncio
Kris Dmytrenko
December 10, 2009
Salt + Light congratulates Archbishop Pedro López Quintana, who today was appointed by Pope Benedict XVI as his new diplomatic representative to Canada. Below is the full text of the press release from the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops: (Ottawa — CCCB) His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI today appointed Most Reverend Pedro López Quintana Apostolic ...
The making of Alma Mater
Alicia Ambrosio
December 10, 2009
You may have heard that Pope Benedict XVI recently released a CD… sort of. Geffen Records, with the help of Vatican Radio, produced an album of Marian chants and Lauretan Litanies. Woven into the music are clips of Pope Benedict’s reflections on Mary. The second to last track on the CD is actually built around ...
Sarah Hart on Catholic Focus tonight!
Deacon Pedro
December 9, 2009
It’s no secret to those who know me that I’m a big fan of Sarah Hart, so it’s with great excitement that I announce that she will be in conversation with me tonight on Catholic Focus. Sarah went up to Midland, Ontario last July for the Toronto Archdiocesan Youth Rally and we had a chance ...
Canadians for Care
Mary Rose Bacani Valenti
December 9, 2009
You might have heard of Shannon Joseph’s Canadians for Care website because: You’re the person who helped her put together the website; You’re one of the doctors/medical professionals taking part in her forum on the web; You watched my Zoom on Friday, December 4th, and caught my phone interview with her. In which case, this ...
Happy Fifth Birthday, Fountain of Love and Life!
Mary Rose Bacani Valenti
December 8, 2009
On Sunday, November 29th, the Chinese programming team of Salt + Light Television had their 5th Fundraising Gala at LeParc Banquet Hall in Thornhill, Ontario. It has become my honour and privilege to attend their annual fundraising dinners for their TV program Fountain of Love and Life, which happens to be the first Chinese Catholic ...
The Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception — live from Rome!
Alicia Ambrosio
December 7, 2009
Tomorrow, December 8th, is the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception. It marks the day in 1854 that Pope Pius IX declared the Catholic Church believes Mary was concieved free from Original Sin. In many countries it is a holy day of obligation and in many parts of the world it is also a public holiday. ...
December 5, 2009
Salt + Light Media
December 5, 2009
[singlepic id=38 w=145 h=170 float=right]Last October Pope Benedict signed an Apostolic Constitution that will allow Anglicans to enter the Catholic Church – today on S+L Radio we speak to Deborah Gyapong member of the Traditional Anglican Communion about this news and we try to slow down a bit for the season of Advent. ...