November 7, 2009
Salt + Light Media
November 7, 2009
[singlepic id=12 w=145 h=96 float=right]What would you do if a loved one was killed? Would you want revenge or justice? That’s exactly what our guest today had to figure out when his son was a victim of a school shooting. Today on S+L Radio, we speak to Rev. Dale Lang about restorative justice and forgiveness, ...
Nothing More Beautiful Season Two Premiere this Saturday
Matthew Harrison
November 6, 2009
I also came to understand that the purpose of prayer was not to change God’s mind, but to change my heart. Lydia Cristini, an Edmonton teacher, offered this insight as part of her witness talk in the first episode of the second season of Nothing More Beautiful, which premiers Saturday, November 7th. She had been ...
Being Fed by the Word
Deacon Pedro
November 5, 2009
Scripture tells us that man does not live from bread alone, but from every word that comes from the mouth of God. I’ve always intellectually understood that, but two weeks ago I was most blessed to be part of the Festival of Faith in London, ON, and I can now say that I know, deep ...
S+L at John Paul II International Film Festival
David Naglieri
November 4, 2009
This Friday I will be traveling to Miami for the first ever John Paul II International Film Festival where Road of Hope: The Spiritual Journey of Cardinal Nguyen Van Thuan has been chosen as one of the official entries. The warm weather and beautiful environs of sunny Miami are not the only reason I am ...
The Pantheon and All Saints
Alicia Ambrosio
November 3, 2009
In his Angelus Address this past Sunday Pope Benedict XVI spoke about the feast of All Saints and linked it to a very visible Roman landmark. Originally a pagan temple, the Pantheon was dedicated to all Roman gods. Marcus Agrippa, a consul in Rome, had the temple built in 27 B.C. The temple was caught ...
Alms for the Souls in Purgatory
Matthew Harrison
November 2, 2009
I was recently reading the November edition of Restoration, the paper published by Madonna House. In it was an excerpt from the foundress of Madonna House, Catherine Doherty, on the souls in purgatory.  She asks why we call them poor souls since the souls in purgatory are guaranteed eternal life… it’s just a question of ...
October 31, 2009
Salt + Light Media
October 31, 2009
[singlepic id=11 w=145 h=96 float=right]What is true femininity? What is authentic beauty in a culture that so often confuses and crushes the dignity of women? This week on S+L Radio we look at what it means to be an Authentic Catholic Woman, to discover the essence of the Feminine Genius and we speak with Chris ...
Pope Benedict Addresses Pontifical Social Communications Assembly
Salt + Light Media
October 30, 2009
The president of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications Archbishop Claudio Maria Celli presented Salt + Light Television CEO Fr. Thomas Rosica, CSB, to Pope Benedict XVI on Thursday, October 29th. A consultor to the Pontifical Council for Social Communications, Fr. Rosica was among those in attendance at the Apostolic Palace for an address by ...
Holy honeymoon!
Mary Rose Bacani Valenti
October 30, 2009
If you get the opportunity to receive the Pope’s blessing for newlyweds in Rome after his General Audience, what do you do? Sleep in for an hour later than you planned, end up on the third row of five, and not push your way to the front of the group of newlyweds reaching out for ...
Salt + Light in Edmonton for first encounter of Nothing More Beautiful’s Second Season
Matthew Harrison
October 29, 2009
Salt + Light will be in Edmonton tonight filming the first episode of the second season of Nothing More Beautiful. Many of our viewers will recall that Nothing More Beautiful is a series of catechesis and witness talks given in the Archdiocese of Edmonton with the goal of deepening the faithful’s relationship with Christ. The ...