The Votive Light is Always On
Matthew Harrison
August 21, 2008
Have you seen the beautifully produced Catholics Come Home ads on Salt + Light? They’re quite impressive and apparently quite effective. In an interview last month with Zenit news service the founder of Catholics Come Home, Tom Peterson, said more than six thousand people have inquired and come back to the Church via the web ...
Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen Revisited
Matthew Harrison
August 19, 2008
To mark the 50th anniversary of Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen’s book “Life of Christ,” Doubleday is releasing a new paperback edition. The nearly 700 page book explores the life, crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. The popular Archbishop’s autobiography, “Treasure in Clay,” will also be republished. It details his life as the bishop of Rochester, New ...
From Nashville to Sydney
Matthew Harrison
August 18, 2008
Congratulations to the Nashville Dominicans! Besides the final profession of 11 sisters, the first profession of 12 sisters, and five women entering the novitiate, the Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia Congregation will start a mission in Sydney, Australia. Three Dominican sisters spent the last year in Sydney helping with World Youth Day, and two will ...
Prayers from the Pope
Matthew Harrison
August 16, 2008
Pope Benedict XVI’s vacation has come to a conclusion and he’s back at Castel Gandolfo, 30 kilometers south of Rome. The Pontiff resumed the Wednesday General Audience and spoke about St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, St. Maximilian Kolbe and the feast of the Assumption. Before he spoke about that he made some comments that ...
Maximilian Kolbe: Franciscan martyr of WWII
Salt + Light Media
August 14, 2008
[The following is a reflection for the feast of St. Maximilian Kolbe, August 14th, from Michael Knox, a Jesuit scholastic who has appeared in the past on Salt + Light] As we look back on the events surrounding the Second World War, a time in our history filled with courage, unprecedented human devastation, noble action, ...
Accidents happen. Or do they?
Matthew Harrison
August 12, 2008
[This blog comes from Fr. Chris Decker, a visiting priest from the Diocese of Baton Rouge] It’s amazing how an accidental meeting can bring about a wonderful community of new friends. I was at Gamarelli in Rome, the historical clergy supply store – a kind of tourist destination for priests, browsing through their supplies, when ...
Recommended Reading from a Seminarian
Matthew Harrison
August 12, 2008
[This blog come from Christopher Pietraszko, a seminarian who has been interning at Salt + Light throughout the summer] We live in a world that is always on the cutting edge, always developing clever gadgets, more sophisticated equations, and trying to understand the nature of the universe and how it works. We are bombarded with ...
Thank you Salt + Light
Matthew Harrison
August 11, 2008
[This blog come from Christopher Pietraszko, a seminarian who has been interning at Salt + Light throughout the summer] The summer has moved quite fast, and I’m sad that my time at Salt + Light is over, but I am quite grateful to Fr. Thomas Rosica and all the staff for their charity and joy. ...
A Timely Visit
Matthew Harrison
August 8, 2008
As the world turns its attention to Beijing for the Olympics, Pope Benedict XVI made a timely visit to the town of Oies. The town is not only a short distance from Bressanone, where the Pontiff is vacationing, but it is the birthplace of Saint Josef Freinademetz. The saint was a Divine Word missionary who ...
K-of-C: Memorial Mass and Resolutions
Matthew Harrison
August 7, 2008
The Knights of Columbus 126th Supreme Convention has come to a close. The final event, the Memorial Mass, was held Thursday morning. The main celebrant and homilist was the Knights’ Supreme Chaplain Bishop William Lori, of the Diocese of Bridgeport, Connecticut. Bishop Lori spoke on the theme of the conference — “Building a Civilization of ...