Airport Chaplaincy: "Flying with Faith"

Andrew Santos

January 18, 2013
Why does the Catholic Church have a vested interest in chaplaincy at airports? Simply put, providing pastoral care for people on the move is a special concern for the Catholic Church. It is summarized in the two greatest commandments, that being "love of God" and "love of neighbour". More than that, Airport Ministry is a mission of proclaiming the Good News, a work of evangelization that takes place in airports around the world.
Since 1970, the Toronto Airport Catholic Chaplaincy has been a ministry of the Archdiocese of Toronto, in conjunction with the Pontifical Council for Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People.
Join me for this latest edition of Catholic Focus, as we uncover several airport chaplaincies (one in Toronto, Canada and another in Chicago, Illinois.) Together, we will come to understand the impact and great service they are providing both Catholic and non-denominational travelers.