Blessed Pier Giorgio’s sister passes away

Matthew Harrison

October 10, 2007
A patron of Toronto's World Youth Day, Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati has a special place not only in the hearts of those of us here at Salt + Light, but also for young Catholics across our nation and even across the world. News has arrived that Blessed Pier Giorgio's sister has passed away. Some of you may have seen her in our Saints: Gospel Artists documentary, when 90 some young people visited the Frassati summer home shortly after World Youth Day 2005.
Here's a note that Wanda Gawronska, Blessed Pier Giorgio's niece and the daughter of Luciana, sent to Salt + Light CEO and family friend Father Thomas Rosica. Translated from Italian, it's from Marco Sermarini, the president of “Tipi Loschi” an organization that promotes the cause of Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati:
Luciana, Pier Giorgio’s sister, came back to the House of Lord
In the family house in Pollone, Biella, during the night of Saturday 6th to Sunday 7th of October, Ms Luciana Frassati Gawronska, our dear Pier Giorgio’s sister, died at the ripe old age of 105.
After spending her whole life passionately trying to make her dear brother’s wonderful life known, Luciana will have now the chance to meet Jesus, the Great Friend for whom her brother Pier Giorgio gave his life, and to see again her good and dear brother, to whom she was so deeply and tenderly close.
Luciana leaves us an inestimabile heritage made up of the constant attempt to bring out the life of Pier Giorgio Frassati, a “Living Man”. It’s the Grace of God that brings out his life and that goes on amazing us still nowadays giving birth to men like Pier Giorgio. Luciana Frassati has wonderfully written many beautiful books about Pier Giorgio (but not only on him: she witnessed real pages of history, as wife of Jan Gawronski, a polish diplomat in the period before and after the second World War). We have known of him thanks to her and we can only thank the Lord for giving this woman so much passion and constancy.
I have a little story on Ms Luciana, whom I was fortunate enough to meet with my wife in April 1996, thanks to my friend Don Primo Soldi. She received us in her house of Turin and showed us how alive the mark left by her brother Pier Giorgio was in her life. She remembered the smallest details of that extraordinary life, initially spent in his family in silence, but to which she was the first resolute witness. She talked to us about some events of his life and of her everlasting sorrow for the death of that good and dear brother. She also told us how handsome Pier Giorgio was.
I also had the chance to talk to her phone and to see her again, for the last time, at the end of the century of Pier Giorgio’ birth, in April 2002 in Rome, in St. Sabina’s church, where we attended a wonderful Mass served by the Cardinal Silvestrini, together with a lot of people.
The “tipi loschi” express their most affectionate, sincere and heartiest condolences to Ms Luciana’s children, embracing them in prayer. The funeral will take place tomorrow [Thursday] at 11,30 a.m. in Turin Cathedral.
Grottammare, 8/10/2007
Marco Sermarini
President of the company of “Tipi Loschi” of Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati
May her soul and the souls of all the faithfully departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.