基督徒合一祈禱運動 2014




一年一度的基督徒合一祈禱週在每年的1月18 至25 日舉行。為期8天的祈禱週,於1908年由保祿雅各方濟‧華生神父(Fr. Paul James Francis Wattson, SA)發起,從1月18日 (按舊的禮儀曆,這日以前為聖伯多祿建立宗座慶日,現已改為2月 22 日) 開始至1月 25 日聖保祿宗徒歸化慶日結束。

在此週內,希望大家找機會一起為普世共融祈禱,祈求和諧共融的恩寵。透過同禱,彼此祈求、省思、探究,更可一起用餐慶祝 ,祈求基督徒的合一。

Episode Description Watch Now
Rev. Dr. Olav Fykse Tveit To some observers, the Ecumenical Movement stands at a crossroads. Should its goal be to foster ecclesial and doctrinal unity, or to facilitate social action based on shared values? One of the key figures leading the direction of the ecumenical movement is Rev. Dr. Olav Fykse Tveit, the Norwegian Lutheran theologian who heads the World Council of Churches.

Rev. Dr. Karen Hamilton Canada has long had a vibrant ecumenical movement, organized under the banner of the Canadian Council of Churches since 1944. Consisting of 23 member denominations representing 85% of Christians in Canada, the CCC draws believers together for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, among its many other activities. Its General Secretary, Rev. Dr. Karen Hamilton, has helped usher the ecumenical movement into the third millennium, galvanizing a united Christian response to poverty and human rights issues. Witness host Fr. Thomas Rosica speaks with this dynamic ecumenist about the quest for Christian unity today.

Bishop Brian Farrell, LC Bishop Brian Farrell, LC is the Secretary for the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity. A native of Dublin, Ireland, he was ordained a priest in 1969. He first worked in the United States before joining the staff of the Vatican Secretariat of State where he worked for many years. In 2002, he was appointed Titular Bishop of Abitinae and Secretary of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity. He was ordained a bishop in 2003 by Pope John Paul II. Bishop Farrell is a world renowned ecumenist and has forged many relationships and built many bridges with the Christian Churches and communities throughout the world. Join Fr. Thomas Rosica, CSB for this interview with Bishop Farrell, which took place in the bishop’s homeland of Ireland during the 50th International Eucharistic Congress.

Roberto Catalano The Focolare Movement stands at the forefront of the Catholic Church’s efforts to build unity with other religions. One of its key leaders is Roberto Catalano, the director of Focolare’s International Office for Interreligious Dialogue. Having lived in India for 28 years, Catalano has facilitated dialogue between Christians and Hindus, as well as conferences with Muslims, Buddhists and Jews. Witness host Fr. Thomas Rosica speaks with Catalano about the pressing need for interreligious dialogue today.

 Church Alive
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Ecumenism A major focus of Vatican II was the work for Christian unity, but it is not yet complete. In this episode, Cheridan and Sebastian look at the current state of the ecumenical dialogue and discuss the relationship between Christian unity and the New Evangelization.

The Catholic Eastern Churches Do Roman Catholics know and understand the traditions of the Eastern churches? “Unity in diversity” is the theme of the final episode of The Church Alive as Cheridan and Sebastian look at the richness of these traditions within the Catholic family.

 Perspectives Weekly
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Christian Unity Pedro speaks with Rev. Dr. Karen A. Hamilton and Rev. Damian MacPherson, SA, about the sticking points and the opportunities of ecumenical dialogue.

Topics Link
Fr. Rosica’s Reflection on the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity: “Pray without ceasing” Click to read

IEC Day 2 – Maria Voce: ‘Communion in one Baptism’ Click to read

IEC Day 2 – Br. Alois: A Passion for the Unity of Christ’s Body’ Click to read

Address of the Holy Father: Ecumenical Prayer Service in Erfurt Click to read
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