Perspectives End of Life - Deacon Jeremy Tyrrell |
Friday, May 29th, 2015 -
In February 2015, the Supreme Court of Canada struck down a ban on assisted suicide, saying that the current law was unconstitutional.
The current ruling limits physician-assisted suicide to “a competent adult” who “clearly consents” to end their life and has an incurable medical condition – an “illness, disease or disability” that causes “intolerable” suffering. The court added that this suffering could be either physical or psychological and that the person’s condition need not be terminal. This is concerning to all who believe that life is sacred from conception to natural death. This week, on a special edition of Perspectives, Deacon Pedro speaks with Deacon Jeremy Tyrrell of the London Diocese, who has just been diagnosed with terminal cancer and who offers a unique perspective on end-of-life issues. You can also reach Deacon Pedro through twitter: @deaconpedrogm and Deacon Jeremy Tyrrell @jeremytyrrell. If you have any questions about end of life issues or would like to share your story with us, please email: [email protected]. Some videos of Jeremy Tyrrell