Perspectives    Marriage and Family - Aaron and Melanie Kohn

Friday, March 20th, 2015 - Deacon Pedro continues this week celebrating marriage and family with Melanie and Aaron Kohn, a young Jewish couple who've been married for 10 years. When asked about one thing they do that helped their marriage, Melanie shared about a Jewish tradition, the Eishet Chayil (Woman of Valour) where the husband sings or recites a song of praise from the Book of Proverbs to the wife. They do this every Friday as part of their Shabbat ceremony.

During the conversation with Deacon Pedro, Aaron and Melanie explain how they prepared for marriage by studying Jewish Scriptures, how they dealt with the challenges of post-graduate studies in the early years of marriage, being a two-career household and share their thoughts on parenting.

You can also watch Melanie and Aaron in our Hannukah edition of Perspectives Weekly

More on the Eishet Chayil

Proverbs 31:10-31

A woman of valor, who can find? Far beyond pearls is her value. Her husband's heart trusts in her and he shall lack no fortune.

She repays his good, but never his harm, all the days of her life. She seeks out wool and linen, and her hands work willingly.

She is like a merchant's ships; from afar she brings her sustenance She rises while it is still night time, and gives food to her household and a ration to her maids.

She considers a field and buys it; from the fruit of her handiwork she plants a vineyard. She girds her loins with might and strengthens her arms.

She senses that her enterprise is good, so her lamp is not extinguished at night. She puts her hand to the distaff, and her palms support the spindle.

She spreads out her palm to the poor and extends her hands to the destitute. She fears not snow for her household, for her entire household is clothed with scarlet wool.

Bedspreads she makes herself; linen and purple wool are her clothing. Well-known at the gates is her husband as he sits with the elders of the land.

Garments she makes and sells, and she delivers a belt to the peddler. Strength and splendour are her clothing, and smilingly she awaits her last day.

She opens her mouth with Wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue. She anticipates the needs of her household, and the bread of idleness, she does not eat.

Her children rise and celebrate her; and her husband, he praises her: "Many daughters have attained valour, but you have surpassed them all."

False is grace, and vain is beauty; a G-d-fearing woman, she should be praised.

Give her the fruit of her hands, and she will be praised at the gates by her very own deeds.