mercoledì 16 ottobre 2024

Oct 07Oct 08Oct 09OggiOct 11Oct 12Oct 13Oct 14Oct 15Oct 16
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ET Programmazione completa  EN  FR  IT  
Les Verbomoteurs   
Chaque semaine, l'equipe du magazine Le Verbe jette un regard chretien sur l'actualite politique, religieuse et culturelle des sept derniers jours.Attendez-vous a des discussions pleines d'esprit, animees par Simon Lessard.
Step by Step: For the Synodal Church
Sur Le Chemin Du Synode
Warrior For Christ: The Life of Joe Reali; A
Le cri de la rue   
Ce documentaire vous emmene en plein coeur de Paris, a la rencontre de personnes en situation de precarite et de prostitution. L'association Aux captifs la liberation les rejoint la ou elles vivent, dans les rue de la capitale, pour entendre leur cri, et les accompagner sur un chemin de reinsertion.
Historia Vitae: Treasures of Our Faith - Saint Joseph's Oratory of Mount Royal   
Learn about the inspiring life of Saint Andre Bessette in this episode of Historia Vitae, featuring the Saint Joseph's Oratory of Mount Royal.
Where God Weeps
Where God Weeps draws on experts to touch on topics like poverty, human trafficing, AIDS, Christian persecution, and war. The show aims to awaken the awareness of Catholic viewers to the situation of the Church in need worldwide
This is the Day   
Bishop Robert Reed and Jay Fadden talk about the faith, pray for your intentions, and chat about what's going on in the local Church and beyond. Catholic authors, artists, musicians, organizers and ministers join us to talk about the exciting things they are doing to spread the faith and touch hearts.
Breaking Bread - Ignacyo Matynia
Step by Step: For the Synodal Church
Sur Le Chemin Du Synode
Les Verbomoteurs   
Chaque semaine, l'equipe du magazine Le Verbe jette un regard chretien sur l'actualite politique, religieuse et culturelle des sept derniers jours.Attendez-vous a des discussions pleines d'esprit, animees par Simon Lessard.
Ends of the Earth   
Canadian high schools students travel to the Yukon on a mission trip in the face of harsh climates and the stark beauty of the north.