Experts in Humanity:
A Journey of Self-Discovery and Healing
by Josephine Lombardi
Series Page
Book Description

During his remarkable pontificate, St John Paul II called for “heralds of the Gospel who are experts in humanity, who know the depths of the human heart”. Acclaimed speaker, author and theologian Josephine Lombardi invites us to embark on a spiritual journey that probes the depth of our hearts to discover and experience freedom found in grace. Lombardi guides us in our journey by identifying a number of life skills essential to our spiritual life as well as the profound influence of human nature on our spiritual development. Thoroughly insightful, Experts in Humanity is an essential book for professionals who guide women and men in the spiritual life as well as for those seeking a holistic approach to Christian spirituality.

Published by Novalis, Toronto

Purchase at Ben McNally Books
366 Bay Street
Toronto, ON
M5H 4B2
My Take
Theologian Josephine Lombardi takes the reader on a spiritual journey toward renewal and healing by exploring the spiritual and biological influences on behavioral and moral development. The best of the Catholic spiritual tradition meets modern science in this honest and accessible reflection on how well we know ourselves, know God and know each other. It's impossible to read this book and remain unconscious of the nuances of inherited and developed behavioral tendencies. Put all judgement aside, and start down the path to becoming an expert in humanity.
“This book is a true spiritual gem of authentic contemplation which gently guides the reader along a path of self-awareness and self-discovery. Using the rich spiritual tradition of the Church, the Bible and the Saints, together with modern behavioral science, Lombardi offers the reader a practical way of living, healing past hurts and moving towards forgiveness. If you allow yourself to be invested in the book, it will help transform your life and help you grow in the Spirit.”

Mary Filangi,
Founder of Women of the Word, Toronto
About the Author
Dr. Josephine Lombardi has worked as a parish minister, university campus minister, high school chaplaincy leader, teacher educator through O.E.C.T.A., professor of Religious Education, Brock University, retreat facilitator, faith formation consultant, and program coordinator in the Diocese of Hamilton. Presently, she is Associate Professor of Pastoral and Systematic Theology, Professor of Field Education, and Director of Lay Formation for St. Augustine’s Seminary in Scarborough, Ontario. More recently, she has been appointed Series Theologian for the new Religious Education curriculum for grades 1 through 8, “Growing in Faith, Growing in Christ” for Catholic School Boards in Ontario, Alberta and Saskatchewan. Her other books include On Earth as It Is in Heaven and Disciples of All Nations: A Practical Guide to the New Evangelization published by Novalis.