About the editor
Danny Gillis joined Scarboro Missions as a lay missioner in 1984. He spent three years living among the Manobo, who live in the mountains of Mindanao, Philippines. He also worked in Scarboro’s Office of Lay Association. In 1992 he began working with Development and Peace in Toronto, first as coordinator of animators, then as education program coordinator. Then he moved back to his home town of Antigonish, Nova Scotia, and in 2007 took on the role of Development and Peace animator for the Atlantic provinces. In 2015 he was asked to coordinate the organization’s 50th anniversary program. Danny has a Bachelor of Business Administration (St. F. X. University) and a Master of Adult Education (O.I.S.E) and has written or coordinated three books, including a novel, Where the Rivers Meet, published in 2016 by MacIntyre-Purcell.